It Is The End?

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3rd Person POV

Dark Jeongie finished almost whole of demon troops with just only ran through them toward Demon King. Demon King tried to burn him with dark flame once he saw dark Jeongie ran to him. Unfortunately for him, as expected dark Jeongie able to dodge it easily. Once dark Jeongie closed their gap, he used his right hand long sharp claws to stab Demon King but Demon King able to block it with his giant claws. Demon King managed to counter back the attack to dark Jeongie for few moments. Their fighting moments became more intense seconds by seconds since they fought with highest god speed and strongest magic.

The impact of their battle caused the demons and place around them break into pieces due from strong forces and magic released by them. The intense battle ended with Demon King was threw by dark Jeongie strong kicked. However, that moments, dark Jeongie suddenly cough bursting dark blood from his mouth and nosebleed.

"Fvck! This body could not hang up anymore! I need to finish them quickly as our contract." uttered dark Jeongie slowly while wiped his blood. His whole body turned to normal state but his eyes turned to dark completely and there was dark veins appeared clearly on his white skin. Then, he jumped highest on the sky and floated between the dark clouds. Dark Jeongie opened his arm widely and there was very strong overwhelmed pressure appeared with strong thunderstorm.

Nayeon's POV

'Nononononononono! This can't be happen! I have urge that this is really bad. I get really bad feelings about this.' said Nayeon in her mind.

" Ji Hyo, help me to get closer to Jeongie. I know I can't do it without your smart brain and strong magic." I asked Ji Hyo without looked at her and still looked at Jeongie's intense magic.

" What?! Are you lost your mind?! What if past repeat-" before Ji Hyo finished her words, I cut her.

" No, it will not happen again. I trust him and myself." I replied still never let Jeongie escaped from my view. I can feel that Ji Hyo stared at me for moments silently.

Then, she sigh loudly and took deep breath before replied to me.

" Nayeon, there's something important that you need to know." said Ji Hyo looked away once I tried to eye contact with her since I heard her worried tone.

" What is it?" I asked with rising heartbeats and keep insisted myself,'Please he was not doing crazy things again. I really doesn't want to lose him again'.

" Kyungkwan. He......."

3rd Person POV

" HELL TAKE BACK YOUR CREATURE TO THEIR HOME IN YOUR INFINITY HOTTEST FLAME!!!!!" shouted dark Jeongie loudly on the sky. Then, there was big dark hole appeared right behind him with very strong wind pressure that absorbed the creature in it which do not effected Jeongie's state at all. The rest of Demon's troop absorbed into dark hole without any mercy. Irene, Tzuyu's right hand Elf, used her tree magic and hold everyone of their troops with elongated stems that appeared from underground.

That plan succeed in saving everyone from absorbed into dark hole but it cannot stand for a long time as it required a lot of magic to hold everyone. MiSa duo also helped those almost get absorbed by freeze their legs while Sana created transparent barrier for them. Everyone was straggled to save their lives while NaJi duo tried to get close with Jeongie.

Demon King almost got absorb into dark hole but he managed to cast magic roots and maintained his positions. Dark Jeongie happened to see it flew toward Demon King like nothing happened around him.

" I will put you to Hell forever!" said dark Jeongie with his dark hoarse voice.

Dark Jeongie raised up his left arm a little bit that directed toward Demon King. Next, the numerous spike dark chains appeared from the dark hole and went directly to Demon King. Its stabbed every part of his body and bind him tightly then dragged him all along to dark hole. Demon King groaned in pain and tried to use his power to break out from chains but unfortunately, he failed as the chains blocked all his magic.

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