Piece Of Hopes

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The previous chapter....

Demon King used his power by create strong pressure that threw the trios away from him. " Fine! Since I can't even touch you, Im Nayeon then I will let my troops to get rid your friends and also the pendant that you have! And I will get my perfect state again!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" shouted Demon King while laugh evil loudly then floated in the air. The sky started to dark again with strong storm and heavy rains. There's a numerous dark magic crest appeared with different sizes. Then, there's numerous types of demons got out from it.

" Damn it! Ji Hyo, where are you?! We already gave a lot of times for you." said Nayeon internally looked at the scene worriedly. Dubu brought Chae on his shoulder went to Nayeon and also the SaMo duo. " It's look like we really need to survive in this battle." said Sana. " It's not longer battle Sana but it's the beginning of war between us and those demons" said Momo while intertwined her hands with Dubu worriedly.

Present chapter

The moments the numerous kinds of demons arrived at Human World, that's the moments where they knew that the destiny of both world on their hands but the questions that kept pooped out in their minds was, Did they will able to turn their destiny and turn the table back toward the immortal Demon King with his troops? Im Nayeon and others tried to gain back their strength after exhausted fought with Demon King earlier except for Chae that already unconsciousness and almost dying on Dahyun's right shoulder.

Once all of the demons troops or half of it already arrived, it seem like the thousand army with various kind of demons will against a group of 5 persons.

" It seems that all of you trigger with my troops. I can't even blame you since all of you going to through the valley of your own death. Now, let's begin this war, shall we? " said Demon King with huge creepy evil grinned on his face while floated on the stormy dark air in between his numerous demons troops.

" Get Princess Nayeon's pendant away from her and just get rid the rest of them." commanded Demon King then sat on the dark throne that build by himself in short times to enjoy the view.

" Get ready guys. Please be careful. Don't worry we can get through this together." said Nayeon tried to assure her friends even she also thought that it seem impossible to survive in this war. " I never think that I will die in this suffer way and even as a single!" said Sana half joked to make herself and the rest felt less tension. " Yah! It's not the right time to talk about that especially at this time where we have the lowest chance to survive!" scolded Momo to Sana despite to her friends that act like it's nothing to worry about in their situations.

At the seconds, right before the numerous demons got closer to those group, there's sudden appeared light of waves with low frequencies but strong enough to be feel once their body got through it in the presence of light dust all around the place- or should said around the Human World. Nayeon's team and Demon Kings with his troops felt it. Then, he frowned as he realized what's happened earlier.

" Damn, you Park Ji Hyo! I suppose to kill you too along with your fool old man! I really understimate and not expect this move from you, Park Ji Hyo or I should call The Light Priest." said Demon King annoyed as he saw Ji Hyo appeared in front of him between Nayeon and the rest by teleportation along with Mina and there's white crescent moon mark on her forehead with white silver dragon staff.

" It's not late to surrender you asshole Demon! We can still give you a chance to do it before it's too late! " said Ji Hyo loudly with high level confidence as she already done her important role.

" Wow, you just create the other dimensions between Human World and Underworld with all of us in it in short time, now you bragging about it. Huh, what a shameless priest! I really impressed with your ability however it still doesn't make a big differences as all of you still could get kill in this war and we could break down this dimension world to get in Human World. " said Demon King smirked while landed on the land as he interested to fight with her.

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