First Meeting

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Nayeon POV

Since I saw a figure with hoodie staring at me last time, I felt anxious and also curiosity as I want to know whoever he or she is. I don't know why I felt like that. Basically I don't care about others as I only care about myself. But, his  mysterious appearance made me felt curious. Somehow I felt like secured under his stare and excited. What the- what's wrong with me!!!??? How can I felt like that?!!!! Moreover he is stranger!! I don't even know himm!!! Shit!! Fuck!! What the heck is happening to me?!!! Who the hell he is that make me become like this?!!!!! Aishhhh!! Now, he really make me full of curiosity. I'm will make sure to find out who you are Mr Stranger.. Just wait and see.. I'm Im Nayeon, the Perfect Girl will get what I want.. You're done Mr Stranger... You're messing with the wrong person..

Suddenly I got smacked from my friend, Sana on the head. "Yahhh, what are you dreaming about in this morning?!! I keep talking to you about our hang out for this weekend and you not ever listening about it!! You're so mean.." said Sana with sulking face and annoyed tones. "I'm sorry Sana. I'm just wondering about something. Sorry, ok I'm going to go where you decide to go this weekend without any protest" I said with gummy smiles and shows my cute bunny teeth while held her arms. Actually we're at the cafe to take breakfast before our class start. Thus, we're at the same course which is business management and I only know her for 3 months as she was new transferee student.

Sana smirked and now I regret about it. "Let's go to club this weekend in night and day, we're going to amusement park!!" said Sana excitedly. Damnit. How I can said like that even I know what is in her mind?.. I sighed and slapped my face internally. "What?? We're going to be exhausted for a day!!" I tried to argue with her. "Yah, you already told me no protest" she smirked and winked at me. I'm speechless. I'm done. Fuck. "Fine, fine just this week ok? Next time, we're not." I agreed with gloomy face annoyingly. "Yeayyyy!! Ok!! " replied Sana happily while hug my left arms.

"Let's go, we're going to have class later." We left the cafeteria and walked to our class.


3rd POV

Jeongyeon watched every Nayeon movement from her hostel until her university. He watched her from the rooftop carefully as he didn't want to be seen by her again. He knew that she saw him last time. Once they made eyes contact even their distance very far from each other, he could felt his heartbeat that beating loudly. That's why he disappeared from her sight quickly that time. He wondered how possible he has feelings as he already exchange his soul to complete the forbidden magic and got sacred dark magic. Then he got curse as the effects of it. He become immortal as he can't died but he can get injured and felt hurt. It's like suffer punishment as he really want to be death for his past mistakes. Even he had lost a lot of bleeding, stabed in his heart, shot on head, explode himself (that's really pain and he woke up as himself with perfect body but with sting and painful at whole part his body) , drinks poison and anything that could killed but nothing happened except the feeling of death. He become immortal monster with no soul as he also become merciless and hot temperate person. He looks like living but dying inside. Other than than, he suffer the most painful feeling like  himself being taken by death in most of his life without do anything that hurt or even killed himself. That feelings cannot be described in how painful it is and it will comes to him anytime for few minutes, hours, seconds? No one knows.His life full of madness, cruelty and emotionless.

Suddenly he sensed his barrier triggered by something. He attached his barrier for whole places to detect the existence of demons. He teleported there calmly.

There he met someone that he could expect who is it. She already killed 5 demons with her simple magic tricks. As he expected, she really has high level of magic as she could killed them in very short time. She smiled brightly when she turned and saw Jeongyeon behind her. Jeongyeon just standing stare at her without any words with his emotionless face. She just smiled and ran then hug him.

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