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Nayeon POV

I don't know why since I'm met Jeongie it's like my life already complete and the existence of him already complete the empty spaces of my heart. But the way, I already gave him nickname since it's sound cute and suit with his soft heart even he hided it behind his coldness and rude attitudes like the first day I met him. I also don't know why at the beginning I met him, I felt like we already met before moreover I already fallen for him at the first sight and I don't ever cared about his attitudes although sometimes his harsh words hurt me internally. However, I really believed after our proper introductions everything will changes and I will make sure that Yoo Jeongyeon will fall for me one day.

Today, I'm put white long sleeve shirt with black short pant to go to my class.

"Nayeonniiee, are you already prepare?!! We really need to go now!! It's almost 8 o'clock!!" shouted Sana from the outside of my room. "Yeah, I done already! Wait a little bit! I'm grabbing my stuff!!" I replied loudly while grabbed my stuffs and rushed out from my room.

"Let's go" I said cheerfully showed my bunny teeth and gummy smile. "Oh, wow. Nayeoniiee, you look more happy and excited today thus more outstanding than before." said Sana while walked out after stared at me for a moments. "Yeah, I know. I always pretty and start from today, you will see my beautiful like angels sight everyday." I said when walked beside Sana while flipped my hair proudly. Both of us laughed and continued walking to our faculty.

However at the same times,

3rd POV

Jeongie was watched both of the girls from their residents to their faculty from the top of the buildings as usual. But this time, he only stared at Nayeon almost all of the time and he never realized that he was mesmerized by her gorgeous looks like today and he was smiling all the time especially at the time, he saw her got out from their residents. He watched her with full of loves like he looked at his first late love. He was in the black coat with dark t-shirt sitting at the edge of the building rooftops.

"Wow hyung, you really fall in love with Nayeon unnie again" said Chaeyoung while smirked at Jeongie. " Shut the fuck your mouth Cub. I'm not." replied Jeongie coldly and his smile already disappeared from his face.

"Chill, hyung. I'm just state my opinion towards the way you stare at unnie really different. You look at her with full of love and hope. I already saw you smiling like crazy earlier and don't you ever denied it " said Chaeyoung while sat beside Jeongie. 

"Just shut up your mouth with this" said Jeongie while gave Chae the paper bag that contain pancake. "Hyung you are so generous today. Thank you" said Chae with big smile and ate the pancake. "I'm not that bad to let you starving for always skipping your breakfast. Wait, you already married so of course Mina already filled your stomach with breakfast right?" asked Jeongie.

"Yeah..sshhee aweady fed mee bweakfasht" replied Chae while munched his food. "Yah, if that so give me back that food! I'm the one who suppose to eat that not you!" said Jeongie grabbed the paper back from Chae. "Yahh hyung! You're so mean. You're the one that give me and I'm not asking for it. Then you want it back. Wow hyung I really take back my word before." said Chae sulking. 

"I'm just want you to be quiet. I also forget you already married so I don't need to look after you" said Jeongie then ate the half of the pancake that ate by Chae while looked at the Nayeon.

Chae smirked once he saw his cold hearted hyung smiled back whenever his eyes on Nayeon. " You know what hyung? If you keep stare at her like that, you will make her body hole." said Chae while giggled at his annoyed hyung.

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