I know the feeling of being left out and ignored

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I know the feeling of being left out and ignored like you have some kind of a disease that friends avoid talking to you. Yea! So I got used to being alone and eventually became a loner. Then I found out that I am introverted and it made it harder to find someone to talk to without judgment and with substance! Then I learned that writing what you feel is better than sharing with someone. At least through writing, I can express things well and it's up to me to publish online or keep them. I mostly do the former though even if no one has an interest in reading them. Well, life's like that! You'll learn how to talk to yourself silently (even loudly haha). Yourself certainly listens to you without fail!
Don't lose your sanity or else a mental institution is waiting for your arrival! Have that someone, at least one that you can trust your thoughts and more than willing to listen and converse deeply!

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2018-2020]Where stories live. Discover now