I want to clear my mind

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I want to clear my mind, let go of trivial-negative things and just go with the flow. I wasted my five months with worries, overthinking and doubts. I have been so preoccupied these past few months. It ticks me off! I came to a point believing this year will not be my year cos of the happenings but I am trying to look forward to the future and be hopeful. Now I am looking for ways to divert my attention and get busy with good things as to avoid thinking and entertaining those negative thoughts and feelings! Not good for my mental health! Really!!! I am more than willing to let go of the worries, rage, doubts and all the negative thoughts. I know I can do this!

Yuchae Moon
June 8, 2018

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2018-2020]Where stories live. Discover now