Got Captured

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My father's trisikad got captured by the police today cos they thought he was driving for money. He was just dropping off food to my grandparents since they can't go out cos of the lockout. He has a quarantined pass as well so he's allowed to go out. The police were so mad at him and wouldn't listen to him explain his side instead the police threatened to punch him. I was so mad when I heard it. I wish I was there. I badly wanted to hurt the police. How could he say that to people? Just because he is the police, doesn't mean he can easily look down on people. My father has had a speech problem since he got the stroke. He doesn't really stutter, he just has trouble saying words sometimes cos of his tongue. You can't understand his words sometimes. I felt so mad. I wanted to kill the police.

He went home walking and told my mother what happened. They both went to the police station. They yelled at my mother to go home and she couldn't see my father anymore. The police took him in and wouldn't let him out. So ridiculous! My mother went home alone nervous and mad. Unfortunately, they let him go after an hour.

See, no wonder police have a bad reputation and people hate them. They harass innocent people. Now I believe that you can't trust them and you can only count the good ones nowadays.

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2018-2020]Where stories live. Discover now