Start from the beginning

Dropping the pretend guests on the floor at their feet to fight over the lighter, the arguing sisters heard the clanging of the front bell, loud and clear.


Pushing Sundae out of the way, Sumre snatched her shoes from the floor beside the chair. "It's them." Tripping excitedly across the tattered rug she tugged them on, rushing headlong toward the massive wooden door, her bony fingers stretched out in anxious anticipation.

Staggering from the force of the shove, Sundae grabbed her impetuous sister around the waist, hauling her back into the small hallway.

Dear God, why was she acting so crazy? She knew they would eventually be here. They came every year.

"SHUSH. STOP IT." Unbending, she clamped one hand over Sumre's mouth, her warning stern. "You'll scare them away before we ever get the door open. And, they can probably hear you! Are you going to relax, or do I need to get the juice?"

Still jumping under the tight hold, the nervous sister felt her right eye begin to twitch (like it always did when she was overly excited). Shaking both hands to relieve the tension, she took a deep breath under the sweat of Sundae's palm, nodding to signal she was indeed attempting to calm down. Anything to keep her from taking the juice.

"Are we good?" Waiting patiently, Sundae peeled her fingers away from Sumre's lips tentatively. The guests would come as always, and sister would have to contain her excitement if she wanted to continue having the parties they loved so much, after their unforgettably glorious 18th birthday.

Cracking her knuckles to ready herself, she finally hissed, "Go stand behind the door and quit that nervous twitching, I'll let them in. You know how they react when they see you first. You're sort of overwhelming."

* * * * *

AT precisely 12:20, the weathered door flew open, sucking the balloons inside above the members heads, a tall blonde-haired vision in a beige party dress greeting them, her kind, sexy smile spreading across a set of thin lips.

V blushed under her scrutiny. Dear GOD ALMIGHTY. In the middle of their trudge up the road through a snowy hell, they had died and gone to heaven . . . As the Angel from the farmhouse ushered them inside, his excitement level rose.

"Oh goodness, you made it," she crooned, her eyes twinkling, "We were worried the snow might delay your arrival. My, my . . . you all look so nice." Collectively curling her arms inside JungKook and Jimin's, she noticed immediately that this year they seemed especially handsome, their eyes bright, faces flushed and cheeks rosy from the biting cold. Stepping away she proceeded to brush the wet snow from their jackets, first one and then the other, clucking over the inconvenience of the storm.

"Tsk, tsk. This weather is so unpredictable. Wouldn't a garden party have been so much more fun? Like we had last year?" Questioning, she grinned sheepishly over into the face of her special guest . . . the smiling, dark-haired, JungKook.

Returning her admiration, JungKook tipped his head arrogantly to the others as if to say . . . "WOW, she picked me for a garden party last year,"  before realizing they hadn't been here last year, and obviously had not attended an outside party.

Without hesitation, Sundae swiveled in her spot between the four young gentlemen slamming the front door with one foot, satisfied as it echoed throughout the vast living room.

* * * * *

"HI. It's me!" Flying from behind the door (the aggressive) Sumre startled them all, hurtling herself like a cannon-ball against V's cold, jacketed chest.

Struggling to avoid her, he backed up dropping both arms to his side apprehensively. But, it was no use, she was on a mission.

Rearing back, she pointed at him accusingly shouting, "YOU . . . You better not spoil things this year. You were so sassy last time and I was so angry!"

Then flipping on a dime, she looked around, smiling at both he and the remaining three, her pinched face melting into a softer more accommodating expression, after noticing his flaming red hair.

"I told sister you'd look much better with it dyed, but she disagreed," she cooed, fluffing her own teased hair-do coquettishly, before reaching to smooth the wrinkles from her full, crinkly skirt.

Staring into her awkwardly made-up face, V wondered if he should laugh it off and play along or gather the remaining members and hightail it back out the front door to the abandoned van. For all practical purposes, the 'Angel-in-Cream', had just been joined by the 'Devil-in-Yellow'.

Leaning into his quizzical face Sundae whispered, "I'm so extremely sorry," apologizing for Sumre's erratic behavior yet again. "You remember how overly excited she gets when it's party time."

Urging them to remove their wet shoes and come all the way inside the living area she reached behind Jin for the latch. Locking it securely and drawing the chain she announced matter-of-factly, "Can't have it blowing open in the wind, now can we?"

Her explanation drawing raised eyebrows and mumbling between the members, only seconds later (head cocked) she jarred Sumre in the ribs with one elbow. "Hear that?"

From the confines of the decorated dining room a quiet "bonggg . . ." could be heard, followed by the voices of children singing, "Happy Birthday". Feeling her heart leap with excitement she took JungKook by the hand tugging him in that direction.

"Come along, all. The party has now officially started! You too Sumre. Don't dawdle. You wanted to light the candles remember?" Baffled, she didn't understand why her sister had just treated her favorite guest with such disdain. Mr. Red-head was adorable and her stern reprimand was totally uncalled for.  At this rate, the poor boy wouldn't even consider coming back next year.

Hesitating, the always open-minded V studied the unusual girl who had just physically attacked him. What in the hell was going on? Had they stumbled onto a movie set in the middle of nowhere, with actors using them to rehearse lines on?

Starting to speak, the music spewed forth at full volume, just as Sumre touched her finger to his lips, shaking her head a definitive, no asking only, "Well . . . are you coming?"

* * * * *


We hope you enjoyed our first chapter. Any questions or comments are always welcome.

The Chairman's Daughters

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