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I'm doing another bts x one direction fandom crossover like I'm doing in my other book and if you don't like it, that sounds like a you problem.

Comments even one word out of line towards MY decision in MY and you'll be trying to read this book from my blocked list

"Everyone, this is just Edward and it's his first time here so if you'd all give him a nice, warm welcome, we can get started!"

Murmurs of hi and hello and one very enthusiastic alpha who waved so hard it looked like his arm would fall off went around the room as Edward took a seat beside Conan, who appeared to be the group leader.

"Mr Kim isn't here due to his omega going into labor so I will be in charge for the next couple of weeks and for everyone who is new," he gave a pointed look at Edward, "my name is Conan gray and it's great to see everyone!"

"Hi Conan!" The enthusiastic alpha said, the brightest smile Edwards ever seen crossing his face as he bounced in his seat.

"Hello, Jungkook" the leader nodded his head and smiled back.

It was a weird interaction but Edward didn't mind. Maybe he'd meet new people here.

He's been thinking about it a lot lately, that he needs to be more out there with people and although therapy probably wasn't the best start, it was a start.

"As we do every week, we are going to go around and introduce ourselves and say why we are here and how we are improving. If you don't feel comfortable this week or you're having a hard time getting the words out, that's okay! This is all about opening up and getting help and if it takes you some more time, we'll always be here" Conan spoke, a calm smile on his face.

The group was small, only five people including Edward.

"Jungkook, would you like to go first?"

The man nodded his head, the giant smile never leaving his face.

"Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook, I am twenty three years old and my doctors say I have short term memory loss! Like Dory in finding Nemo!" Edward could very easily hear the strong accent in Jungkooks voice and the way it slightly wavered when he spoke.

"And how have you been working through that?" Conan gave the alpha a small smile.

"Well my best friend Taehyung has been helping me. Cars still scare me so we have to walk to all my doctors appointments but it's really nice! Yesterday we stopped and got bulgogi on the way home" he smiled brightly.

"And why do cars scare you, Jungkook?"

Edward can tell that it's the same thing every week with the alpha by the way everyone in the room looked at him.

"Well I... I think it's because, um... I don't remember" he sighed and the oldest triplet actually felt sympathy for someone who wasn't his brothers or Louis. "But, I remembered my name first thing when I woke up this morning! Usually I don't remember what I forget unless someone tells me and even then it still takes a while but I remembered this morning!"

Edward couldn't even imagine what it was like to forget things constantly. Memory loss is incurable in some situations and Edward can't imagine the trauma he went through with cars of all things that led to him having it.

"That's great Jungkook! Who wants to go next?" Conan looked around the room, "Just Edward! Why don't you go" he motioned towards the rest of the group as if to say 'we won't judge'.

"Uhm... my name is Edward, as you guys already know," he wrung his hands nervously, feeling like he was in seventh grade and had to do a presentation in front of the whole school, "I think I've been needing therapy of some sort for a while now but I never really had the motivation or realized I need it until recently" he took a deep breathe and looked towards Conan.

When facing the things we turn away from[DISCONTUNUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin