Funeral March [2]

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Pontius quickly urged the four friends into the cellar

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Pontius quickly urged the four friends into the cellar. Very quickly, too quickly in fact, some scarfed soldiers literally dove head first in behind them. Pontius quickly slashed at them but more were coming.

"Into the tunnel, quickly!"

The group retreated swiftly into the narrow tunnel, looking back into the cellar they could see it had quickly filled up with scarfed soldiers, like a mass of ants they were pushing towards the tunnel opening, there was no way they could outrun them.

The group of friends saw that Pontius was standing at the tunnel entrance and had stopped dropping his sword.

Had he given up?

But then Pontius got onto one knee smacking one arm against his chest as he began a chant.

"God of Justice in this hour of need I beg of you to heed this old man's call.... Please be the shield of the innocent, Lesser Barrier!"

A dazzling thin translucent yellow wall sprung up in front of Pontius blocking the tunnel entrance just in time as a few scarfed soldiers slammed into it.

"Y-you did have lesser barrier, I knew it!"

'Lesser Barrier' was a skill that provided the spell caster a small strength and small sized shield. It was tied to the caster and would move with them. Since the group was in a tunnel the size was large enough to block the opening and since the scarfed soldiers didn't seem to have any training or good weapons it's strength was enough to hold, for a little bit at least.

Already cracks had begun to show on Pontius' 'Lesser Barrier' as the mass of scarfed soldiers pushed forward, literally crushing those in front against the barrier.

"They're insane..."

"Will this hold?"


"T-then will we die-"

"You lot will have to run on your own now. I can use 'Lesser Barrier' two more times only but I should be able to buy you enough time to escape into the forest, it's night so you should be able to slip away."

"But you..."

"Don't worry about me kiddies, I'm just an old man who couldn't become a full Holy Knight... you lot still have a chance to do big things."

The four friends stood silent for a brief moment resolving themselves. Just as they were about to leave Pontius dropped another bombshell on them.

"But you will have to leave Yule behind."

"What!?! Why-"

"Soon I'm sure he won't be able to move at all."

"Nonsense he's fine! Right Yule, tell him."

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