A Blade to cut [3]

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I quickly brandished my sword towards the garbed man and yelled out

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I quickly brandished my sword towards the garbed man and yelled out.

"Are you the leader of this attack? Tell your forces to surrender or else we will crush you here."

The man turned his gaze to me, and for a moment his eyes seemed to come into focus and really look at me. My entire body froze and a cold sweat spread throughout my body, it was as if those eyes had already seen my death a thousand times over and I could feel each of them weighing me down. But then, as soon as it came it stopped and the unfocused look returned to the man's eyes.

"Surrender you say? Mmmm, if we were to surrender little bird, what would you do to us?"

"We would take you captive and then question you about your backers and intentions, then you would be taken to the capital to answer for your crimes according to the law."

"Hoh, what crimes have we committed little bird?"

"You scum! You attacked the border of the Holy Empire and slaughtered its citizens, hundreds of Empire soldiers are dead!"

"No need to get upset little bird, I'm just trying to grasp your proposal, mmm, say, what would the punishment be for that crime according to the 'law' "

"That is not for me to decide, should you surrender and cooperate though, there is a chance your lives may be spared."

" 'May be spared'  mmm, little bird... do you not dangle false hope in front of us?"

"I do not, should yo-"

Bruckus held out his hand cutting me off. "Enough Holy Knight Luna." He then turned his eyes back to the robed man.

"No, even if you surrender here you and your men will be executed, there is only one answer to your crimes and it is death. Great Purging lord I beseech you, let me strike down this filth, grant me your purging flame."

Before I could even speak up, Bruckus had shot out a flame beamat the man. However, the man didn't move and his face didn't even flinch. Before the beam could reach him, a scarfed soldier like those dead on the ground jumped out from the bush and intercepted the beam with his chest. Very quickly the beam was burning through the man's chest, however he stood un-flinching.

Bruckus scoffed. 

"Hmph, a single puny filth can't save you."

Just as the beam was about to pierce through the scarfed soldier's chest another jumped out from the bush and stood behind him intercepting the beam as it pierced through his comrade. But even two lives weren't enough to stop Bruckus's intense flame.

One after another a scarfed soldier would exit the bush and stand to intercept the oncoming beam. I stared in horror as within a few moments over 10 men had been pierced through by the beam, all standing silently impaled.

Gravedigger - Servant of Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن