Funeral march.

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"Walking through the cobbled streets a boy carries the woman whom he loves. The sun has begun to set, casting the streets in a deep red glow. The boy was humming a lullaby, as he usually does when walking through these streets."

"However, this time it was different."

"The streets ran red like the setting sun with blood flowing freely through the cobblestone. The blood came partly from the dozens of bodies littering the streets and partly from the boys own wounds. He was covered with wounds, however the most troublesome was most likely the knife embedded deeply into his lower abdomen. It bled profusely and moving any amount must've caused great pain and yet, he walked on carrying his love."

"His love who was usually cheerful and happy was desperately trying to stem the flow of blood coming from the knife wound. Tears pouring from her eyes and with hands soaked with blood she cried out weakly to him, begging him to stop for she knew he was surely dying."

"The boy couldn't hear her though, he was just staring ahead with a soft smile and glazed eyes. All he could hear was the tune he was humming, all he could see was a memory."

"However at this moment, as the boy trudged slowly though streets of the dead, his favorite humming tune came out eerie and grim."

"Like a funeral song played for the dead, it was a tune no one wished to hear and yet we all eventually do."

"And so he kept on marching."

"And she kept on crying,"

"And the dead kept on being dead."


Blood kept spilling onto Nel from Yule's wound. She often tried to call out to him but he wouldn't respond. He just kept walking, looking ahead.


Nel looked around weakly, where was Yule taking her? Then she saw the building coming up around the corner.

The guardhouse!

Yule was taking her to the guardhouse, there must still be people there to help. In front of the guardhouse she saw a familiar figure clad in simple chainmail holding a straight sword.


She called out to Pontius but he only looked at us briefly before his attention was diverted as two scarfed soldiers attacked him.


Pontius quickly cut one across the chest then stabbed the other one through letting him fall to the ground. However, the one who was cut across the chest didn't back off, instead he kept on coming attacking Pontius scoring a shallow hit across his arm.

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