Miles's POV

I look around the store, "fuck." I breathe and Madison looks at me with both an understanding and a disapproving look.

Our eyes both follow the whole section with something that doesn't seem to belong in the crib display, someone might have misplaced something, but before I can get a better look, my eyes are covered.

"Hi! Can I help you two?" I hear a preppy voice say and Madison's fingers slip slowly off my eyes to reveal a blonde with her chest out, speaks, I didn't realize she was trying to do the birds mating dance so out on the open.

"Playing hide and seek?" she laughs and Madison giggles.

"Something like that," Madison says, and she quickly grabs the naked woman on whatever packaging and places it away, facing it backward for an explanation of whatever is inside in thirty different languages.

"We'd love some help," Madison answers awkwardly and the college student nods.

"So what I'd like to do is give you both a baby checklist, it's super helpful for new parents and I find that this stage is often very confusing for women. Like with what to buy, what to eat and honestly everything," the blonde giggles but I'm sure she has no idea what being a mother is like, and frankly neither do I.

Madison opens the brochure and I glance to look at it toom not bothering to open mine, I want this to be as inclusive for Madison as possible, I want her to find a space to fit into this whole thing because I know this is difficult for her, and instead of being nose deep in my own brochure, I want to be nose deep in her.

"So we can start at looking at each section and this is a good base, so when the baby is around a week old you might find some other things you need but this is kind of a must-have for right now as a base,"

The blonde presses her long manicured pink nail on the brochure and I find myself cringing while I watch Madison's short nails; somehow feeling that everything about only her is homey to me. I can't believe I was ever capable of touching random people, random bodies, the thought almost makes me sick.

"So we have, clothing, diapers, bath items, grooming and first aid, beds and bedding, feeding supplies, mommy supplies, car seat, outside supplies." Teh blonde says, her nail going over every item.

"And again this is only like a--"

"Base . . . got it," I smile, how many fucking times can 'base' be said in a helpful way?

The blonde's eyes meet mine for a split second before focusing back on the brochure and madison who seems to be reading over everything carefully, not having heard my remark.

"And so underneath each section, you'll find even more information for example 'mommmy supplies' is everything about the mom and the dad has to be inclusive," the blonde eyes me with the second part of her statement but I give her nothing but a smile back.

"So you might feel like you need nipple cream, a breast pump, bottle nipples, breastfeeding pillow--"

"And maybe even a breast bed?" I speak and the blonde looks at me again, this time almost anger in her eyes.

"Yes, in fact, that would be helpful," she says, her tone firm.

She presses a hand on madison's shoulder and as if I'm not there whispers, "Some fathers may have a hard time with this, if you're feeling like you want extra help, it's no problem for me to help you with the shopping list," she smiles kindly.

"I think we'll be okay finding all the breast items, thank you," I smile and while Madison bites her lip, I drag her away gently with the blonde still eyeing me.

"Miles," Madison finally speaks and I know she's going to point out everything I've said but she doesn't.

"This is so stressful," she tells me and now I know why she's been quiet the whole time.

"No, it doesn't have to be, see, I'll do this for us. I'll show you just how fun this is going to be." I grab the brochure out of her hands and when she gets on her toes, trying to take a peek, I pull it even higher.

"Okay, let's start with the clothing onesies five to eight of them," I say and I see Madison finally smile.

"This one!" She squeals, grabbing the pink onesie.

"What's if it's a boy?" I ask and she looks at me as if not realizing that colors matter.

"Let's get something neutral, blue butterflies." She smiles and I nod.

He finishes and I know that maybe we'll be able to mature quicker than I thought.

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