Chapter 6 - Admiral

Start from the beginning

"Deal, you deal your thing. Then you will join us okey?" Luffy assured and i smile and nod.


After that the straw hats left the bar while i stay  here to help shakky san to wash the plates. The excuse that i make to have a deal with luffy is true. Because two days ago Me and Mirarin finally contact each other in the book. She said that she wants to tell me something in person. So that us why we will meet in East blue in one week from now. She give me a magic ball that will teleport my self to the island of luffy's hometown which is the Kingdom of Goa. I just need it to throw in the ground.

Rayleigh san said to them that it will take three days to fully coat the ship because he wants to lay low so that the navy will not discover who is he. He is also happy for me because joining the straw hats will have me to regain my memories where i came from. If only i can tell you i'm not from this world.

Rayleigh give them each vivre card with his name on it. So that they can meet in three days in the Groove #41. They hide their ship there.  They need to lay low so that the navy will not caught them.

I'm now walking on the streets hoping to buy something for my trip to East blue. Until i hear a explosion few meters away from me. I ran to that direction. This feels familiar... don't tell me..

I reach the place where the explosion occured and see in shock. It's the strawhats fighting Kuma. No, it's the pacifista. This is the time where luffy got separated from his crew. It's the sad and hard moment for luffy to see his crewmate got blew away by the real kuma in the different place where they will train for two years.

I watch in shock because they are no match for the pacifista. Because it's super strong. Their strength is too far. Zoro received an attack from the pacifista he barely dodge it. I think his wound from fighting the Real Kuma in Thriller Bark is not heal yet.

Zoro tried to attack the Pacifista but he was saved by Chopper. They continue to save their selves from the beam by the mouth or the hand from the Pacifista. Luffy, Sanji and Zoro team up to attack the pacifista and which was finish kuma off. Then, a guy with a huge axe appear and another Pacipista. The axe guy bash the finish off Pacifista. Saying that building a one Pacifista cost a whole battle ship to built.

Franky then ask him who is he. He gritted his that it's rude to called someone with their weapons name and he will not introduce his self. Usopp then ask his name at least. He accidently said it and he order the Pacifista with him to attack the straw hats. I don't know what came to me that i run towards it. I feel a strong power flowing in my arm and a purple flame got out and it hit the PX 1. The pacifista with the Sentomaru. The PX-1 explode. Everyone is staring at me now in shock because i suddenly appear and finish off the PX 1 in one hit. Even i was also shock. Is this the gift that Mirarin said to me? So that i can survive this world? I thought. Fine by me.

"Y-n?! Where did you came from?!" Usopp ask me in amazement. I turn to him .

"I don't know what came to me, but you need to go and save yourselves. I will take care of it here!" I order them while i turn away from them staring at sentomaru who is still shock on what happen. How to activate that fire thing?!? I panickly thought.

"No way! You are one of my crew! We will not abandon you we will go out this together!" Luffy stated while he take a fighting stance. Everybody followed him and smile at me. Is this the feeling when a friends take care of you? I thought. I nod and smile at them too.

"So you are one of them. You have no bounty though. You have nowhere to run i will finish you off here." Sentomaru answer then he attack. Luffy order everyone to run away in groups.

Until a Admiral show up, he proceed to attack Zoro. We could not get closer on it. Before the Admiral can kill Zoro, Rayleigh san show up. He kick the admiral and the beam shot to the tree creating an explosion. I say that it's really cool when he kick it and to see it in person. I stop my fangirling and focus on the situation. Rayleigh save zoro in process. Usopp then pick up the swordsman and get away from there. Sanji go to the group to help since brook is out. Me and Luffy are being beat up by the Axe guy. Chopper decided to turn into a giant monster to help but he got out of control.

Then the Real Kuma appear, he proceed to hit Zoro with his palm and the swordsman is gone. My eyes got wide on that in shock. Shit, the separation began. Luffy order everyone to save their selves and meet in three days. Then the real kuma proceed to use the same attack on Usopp, Brook and Sanji and the guys also was gone. Kuma then appear between Rayleigh san and the Yellow admiral who is kizaru. They talk something. Luffy appear with his second gear activated. Kuma ignore him and appear in front of Nami and Franky after talking with Rayleigh san. He make them dissapear also.

Chopper gone berserk and attack me and robin. We avoide it on time. Kuma teleported to get closer to him. He make Chopper also dissapear. I heard Robin telling to run but i got frozen in my spot and cannot move. She also dissapear. They all dissapear very fast. Then i hear luffy called me to reach me out but a paw hand got between us and he dissapear while i stare at him in shock.

Then i was the only one who not got sent away. Kuma is now standing in front of me. We stare at each other. He suddenly spoke.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.

Before i can answer him, i feel someone appear at my back and hit me hard in the neck. Making me passed out. The last thing i saw is rayleigh reaching me out and i think he was saying something.

This is too much. I thought and feel my eyes close with complete darkness surround it.

Chapter 6 is out! Man, my fingers are arching because of typing but i want to finish this chapter to update my story. I will apologize for the typo. Hehe

Anyway, thank you for reading this story. You guys really make me happy!! Sending love! ❤️❤️

See you in the next chapter!

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