Chapter 15

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Alex POV

Ugh why does Washington have to be so ducking intrusive. It's my fucking life! What I do with it is none of his business.

At the end of the day I go back to my apartment. John texted me about lunch time telling me he'd awake. "Jackie I'm back" I throw my bag on the floor snd walk upstairs.

I look in my room snd see John on the bed asleep with his phone next to him. I laugh softly, he told me he liked napping but really?

I kiss his head and notice he's just wearing my hoodie and boxers, he's so cute. I walk back downstairs and sit on the couch so I don't wake him.

After a while I hear the door open. I look over and see George walk in. I roll my eyes and look away "ever heard of knocking?"

"Alright Alexander that's enough, I get you're mad at me but I cannot just let you get drunk or high or have sex. Whether you like it or not, I'm your guardian and I care about you and it's my job to look after you"

"I don't need you to look after me, I'm not a child, snd this is my apartment you have no right to be here" I reply

"Martha and I are letting you live here, we made an agreement Alex, you have to stay with us at least twice a week snd you haven't in 3 weeks. And if we can't trust you to live on your own we'll have no choose to bring you back home"

Before I can reply I hear John's voice, but like the really hot voice he has when he just wakes up "lexi? Who's here?" I turn and see him walking down. Again. Only in my hoodie and boxed

"Oh- John I didn't realise you were here" George says, looking at the ground awkwardly.

John's eyes wided "m-mr Washington. Uh- shit- n-no I was just leaving" John runs back upstairs then comes down a minute later with his pants ok snd his phone and runs out.

"John!" I get up to follow him but Washington stops me

"Alex you csn talk to him later but we have to have a talk since you're clearly having sex" I roll by eyes

"There is no way in hell I have ever having they talk with you, I probably know More then you" I storm out but see John's car driving away. I sigh and get in my car and follow

I eventually get to his place and knock. I hear a free muffled voices then footsteps then someone opens the door. I see a around 13 year old girl "oh hi, uh who are you? I'm looking for John"

"I'm John's sister Mather, he said he doesn't wanna see anyone right now" she replied

"I'm his boyfriend, please let me see him" I beg


"Fine let him in!" I hear John call back. Martha let's me and tells me where John's room is, I knock "come in" John mumbled.

I open the door and walk in "hey.. you ok?" I ask softly and walk over to him

"No, I embarrassed myself in front of my history teacher! How am I ever supposed to go to his class again"

I sit next to him and pull him into my lap "I'll tell him to forget it, I'm sorry I didnt know he was gonna come over"

"Why did he come over anyway? Did something happen at school?" He looks at me

"No.. um.. he's my adoptive dad" I sighs and kiss his hand "I'm sorry im make sure he doesn't talk to you about"

"Wait he is? Why didn't you tell me? Why don't you live with him?" He asks confused

"I didn't tell you because I don't want people thinking I get special treatment, I don't live with him cuz my aunt left me this apartment and I want to live on my own. I stay with him twice a week though" I explain

"Do you not like him?"

"I do usually, he's pretty relaxed but today he was flipping his shit Cuz he found out about the party last night and the alcohol snd hose people smoking" I sigh

"Oh, I'm sorry lexi" he hugs me and kisses his cheek. I smile softly and kiss him

"I'm just sorry that I didn't  warn you, But for the record I think you looked adorable"

He giggles "you should stay here tonight, I'm sure my dad would wanna meet you, and my siblings"

"Alright, but I'm gonna sort things out with George first I'll be back soon" he nods and kisses me then I get up.

A couple months later

College applications are due soon, I'm so excited for college, I won't have to pretend I'm not dating Alex, I can tell the whole world I love him and don't have to deal with the consequences.

I swear I'm gonna marry that boy one day, everything he does is just so.. I dunno it just makes fall in love with him more every time I see him.

Like you know when I get a text from him I still smile like an idiot snd I get so excited to see him cuz HES SO DAMN PRETTY AJD PERFECT AND HES MINE!

You know, fuck it, fuck school, fuck Jefferson. I grab my phone and find a photo of me and John and post it ok Instagram with the caption 'this one's mine'

I don't care if I get bullied it's worth it for him, I don't know why if didnt see it before, but I'd do anything for him. Hes mine, I'm his.

Hes worth the old world. There are literally no words in the English language to describe how in love with him I am. I could just look at him at any time and he could be doing the stupidest thing like getting a scared of his hair cuz he thinks it's a spider on his back but it's adorable. He's adorable

So this is the last chapter hope y'all liked it <3

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