Chapter 9

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John POV

Just before Alex is about to punch he I get picked up off the floor. It's.. Frances. I look at him in shock "I.. h-how- w-what're you doing here?" I stutter out in shock.

He was my first love. He was perfect, we were perfect together until I had to leave South Carolina. "I know you said you don't love me anymore but I wouldn't just let this guy hurt you"  he says

"W-what?? When did I say I didn't love you?" I ask confused "and why are you at my school?"

"You texted me awhile ago.. I get it, you've moved on. I here because my dad had to move for work"

"I didn't text you.. I must have been hacked or something.. I-.. I missed you so much" I hug him tightly. He hugs me back

I feel safe in his arms, I never feel safe in this school but with him I do. "I missed you too Jackie" he suddenly pulled away from the hug and puts my face in his hands "are you ok? Did they hurt you, what're these bruises from?"

I smile a little "I'm ok don't worry, the bruises are from a few days ago" he nods snd hugs home again

"Come on Hamilton let's go, we'll get theses F*gs later" I hear Jefferson say. I turn snd look at Alex, I can't tell if he's actually mad or if he's pretending but he walks away with Jefferson.

I turn and look back at Frances, he looks back "yo what's your problem?" He shoves Jefferson. Shit.

Jefferson turns and looks at him "what the fuck did you just say to me?" He asks in a threatening tone

"I asked what your problem was? What did John ever do to you? And you," he shoved Alex. "You're the asshole that's been fucking with his feelings"

"You're new here, so let me explain something to you, if you want to put out of there without taking a beating, mind your own business" Alex threatens. I start walking of but Alex stops me "where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"To the bathroom.." I mumble. He just nods

"Fine, I'll deal with you later" he says. I run off to the bathroom. I hope he comes down here. I need to talk to him.

I wait here for what feels like ages until I was the door open, I look up and see both Alex and Frances, they both look like they got into a fight. I run over to them "what happened? Did you fight each other?" I ask

Frances gently pulls me over to him "stay away From him John, I won't let him hurt you I promise"

Alex looks furious. He gently pulls me back over to him "baby you know I would never hurt you" he kisses my head and I smile "but who is this guy?"

"Um.. Alex this is Frances, he's the guy I was dating before I moved here to New York. And Frances this is my.. current boyfriend Alex. He didn't mean anything he was saying before I told him to say it so he would stop getting bullied" I explain

"Oh.. well still he was gonna hurt you and that's not ok" he sighs "I can't believe you moved on so quickly... it hasn't been that long snd I still love you"

I feel Alex pull me a little closer. I look at Alex "baby relax, it's ok"I look at Frances "I'm sorry.. but I'm with Alec now"

Frances looks down "Jack if he loved you he wouldn't care if he was getting bullied, he wouldn't have said that stuff ever"

"Well if you really loved him you would have tried a long distance relationship" Alex retorted. I sigh

"Stop arguing, please, Frances you don't know what Alex has been though and Alex you don't know  every detail of our break up, now I'm going to go to class, Alex I'll see you after school Cuz you can't risk being seen with me at lunch, Frances you can sit with me snd the others at lunch but no shit talking Alex"

They both nod. I kiss Alex then walk out with Frances and we go to class

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