Chapter 11

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John POV

I'm an asshole! I'm s fucking Cheater! How could I do this to Alex?! He's gonna hate me! He'll leave me. But I can't not tell him. That's even worse.

Frances is still asleep. I've move out of his arms snd pick up my phone. Damn it, like 3 miss calls from Alex and a bunch of texts. I walk into another room so I don't wake Frances then I call Alex back.

He answers straight away "John? Why weren't you answering you're usually awake by now" his voice is shaky

"I'm sorry baby; what happened are you ok? You don't sound ok" I replied

"Can.. can you just come over please? I know I'm been a dick to you recently but I need you right now, you're the only person I really trust" I says softly.

Well fuck way to make me feel worse. "Of course, I'll be there as soon as I can" he thanks me then hangs up. I quickly changed into some clothes and walks out. I can't drive yet so I take the bus

I eventually arrive at Alex's place and knock on the door. He opens it and smiles a little. I walks in snd hug him "what happens Lex? Are you ok?" I ask

I will tell him eventually just not right now. He sighs and holds onto me "I'm sorry.. I know I'm just overreacting but today's 5 years since my mum died..."

"Oh.. Lex no you're not overreacting" he keep hugging him snd kiss his cheek. "Skip school today ok? I'll stay with you"

He nods a bit "thank you John" he refuses to let go of me. This hurts so much, I hate seeing him upset, I hate that I cheated on him.. hes doesn't deserve this.

We stay cuddling for a while until he finally speaks up "thank you for being here.. you're always here when I need you even if I'm being a dick. I'll try to be around for you more I promise. You're so perfect and.. John I lov-"

"Alex stop.. Please stop I have to tell you something" he looks at me confused "last night.. me snd Frances were hanging out.. snd he made me think that you were ghosting me..and I-" my eyes fill with tears "I cheated on you" i choke out

Alex freezes for a second then shakes his head "what like you kisses? That's ok I kiss Eliza so ok" he said smiling, snd obviously strained smile.

"N-no..I-it was more than a kiss" I reply and look at him. "Alex.. I am so so sorry, I've never felt his bad about anything in my life. I love you Alex.. this morning all I could think about was you and how happy you make me a-and I'm so so sorry.."

Alex just sits there for a moment. He takes a deep breath and lays down on his bed "I want you to stay here and hold me until tomorrow" he says

"Wh- really you're not mad and upset?" I ask confused

"Oh no I am but I don't want to deal with that now so just fucking hold me" he replies. I sigh and nod and lays next to him snd hold him

we stay like that in silence for awhile until I he him crying softly. "A-Alex?" I ask

"I think you should leave now" I whispers so quietly its barely Audible. I nod a little a get up.

"Alex.. I am really so so sorry I hope you know that" I said. He just moves away from me. I sigh and get him "I'll see you tomorrow I guess.."

He ignores me. I look down at my feet and walk out.  I take a bus back home, Frances is gone, good. I walks into my room and lock the door then fall on the bed.

I hate myself, how could I do this to him?!  Before I know it I fall asleep crying

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