Chapter 5

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Alex POV

I don't know how I'm gonna get the whole school to take down the photos of John. I spend probably the whole lesson thinking about it. Oh shit I know. I can just get Washington to give everyone detention. I know most people passwords

When we have Detention all our phones have to go to the office. Before I know it it's the end of class and we're all dismissed but I stay back. I walk over to Washington "hey son, you gonna be home this afternoon?"

"Not your son, and no I have plans.. Um, but you know how I was taking to you about John and how I kinda pissed him off?"

So basically I technically Live with George and Martha Cuz my dad ditched when I was 10 and my mum died when I was 12. When I was 13 my brother died in a hurricane and my cousin hung himself. So I moved to New York and lived with my aunt but then she died, but she left me her Apartment that she somehow owned. So most days I stay with George and Martha, others I stay at the apartment.

"Yeah, what about it? You did try to apologise right?" He asks. He always tries to be my dad. Sometimes I hate it... sometimes I need it. I DONT HAVE TRAUMA WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT

"Yes I did. He wants everyone to take down the posts and stop talking about it. I know how to get people to stop talking about it. But to take down the photos I need you to give everyone detention. Just say something happened and no one can leave until someone says something"

"I dunno if I'm allowed to do that.." he sighed "but I'll try. But I'm not doing something like this again ok? You know how I feel about you cheating on Eliza, and being mean to people"

I roll my eyes "I know.. but thank you, ok Imma go to next class, detention at lunch?" He nods. I smile and walk out and go to my next class.

At lunch

George made an announcement telling all our year to go to his classroom at lunch. So they did. He told everyone to put their phones in the box so they did. Right now I'm on my way to take the phones to the office.

I look around snd see no one so I run to the first floor bathrooms. Ugh there's so many people in our year. I start going through and unlocking the phones then deleting the posts and photos.

About halfway though I get to a phone with turtle stickers on the case. I open it and see a photo of John and another guy. The other guy is kissing his cheek. He looks really Happy. So this my be Johns phone.

John gets a message. I open it to see what it's about. The contact says 'Frances❤️' the fuck is this?? Does he have a boyfriend? I read the text 'hey Jack, I'm moving to New York for my dads work, unless you've busy or have someone wanna see if we can make this work again?'

Oh hell No. I'm not going through everyone's phones and possibly ruining my reputation just for John to get back together with someone random guy. I reply to the text 'fuck off I don't love you' then delete both of them so John can't see.

After I finish cleaning the photos from peoples phones I take them to the office and by that time lunch is almost over.

Soon everyone comes out of detention snd looks annoyed but some of them are laughing. Why are they laughing? I watch and see John come out after everyone, he's bleeding and has a couple of bruises and stuff.

I watch him go to the office to get his phone. I quickly text him and tell him to come tot he bathrooms. I go down and wait.

John POV

I go grab my phone from the office and see a message from Alex saying it's an emergency. I sigh and walk down to the bathrooms and walk in "Alex what do you wants I'm not in the mood For your bullshit"

"I deleted all the photos from everyone's phones.. what happened?" He asks and stroked my cheek. I move away.

"How? I didn't think you'd actually be able to do that.." I reply kinda chocked and ignore his questions.

"It doesn't matter how. I did what you asked. I deleted the photos, my tomorrow people will forget it ever happened. Please give me another chance as your boyfriend" he begs. "I promise this will never happen again"

I think for a moment. I mean if he's willing to  go through a shit ton of phones and delete all the photos just for me I guess that's pretty sweet. "Ok...I'll give you a chance. But if you do this again I won't give you another one" I decide.

He smiles and kisses me "Thank you! I swear I won't screw this up" I smile "Do you want to  come over after school?"

I bite my lip my lip nervously. "Um.." I don't fully trust him yet.

"No one else is coming over I swear and I live alone. I promise no ones Gonna come over" he looks at me. I nod.

"Ok...I'll come over" I agree. He smiles and kisses me

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