Chapter 13

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Trigger warning- sexual assault kinda

Alex POV

I don't know if I should forgive John or not. I love him I'll admit that. But I just don't know if I can trust him, he seems to be telling the truth

If he's not I don't know what I'll no but here goes morning I guess. I'm gonna seem like a Dick for this but if he still loves me after this then I'll Trust him "come to my place tomorrow night, 9pm"  I say

His face light up "thank you! Thank you so much Alex I swear I won't fuck this up" I smile a little at him

"Ok... I have to go I have homework to do" I stand up just as the food arrives "I'll pay you back for this.." I say then walk out.

I go home and text Thomas to invite the whole school to my place tomorrow. I also tell him that I invited John snd he's gonna think it's a date.

The next day after school
John POV

I have to leave to got Alex's place soon, I'm so excited, I love him so so much I just can't believe he's giving me a second chance. Should I take him flowers? No he hates flowers he thinks they're just wasting space while you watch them die, he has the same opinions on some people.

I don't know what I should wear though. He would probably want me to wear something easy to take off, or his favourite outfit. I finally decide on ripped black jeans and a black t-shirt, not much but he likes it. He also likes my hair out, I mean he says he loves Both but he would always get excited when I took it out.

Soon it's time for me to go, I got my license last week and my dad agreed to by me a second hand car if I pay for half which is fair so now I have a car. I get in and drive to Alex's house.

I arrive snd knock on the door. After a second it opens and I see Jefferson. Fuck, no where alex? "Alexander your boyfriends here" he smirks

Alex walks over "aww you really thought this was a date? When will you lean that you're unlovable?"

"Now alex don't be rude, let him join us, we were just about to play 7 minutes in heaven" Jefferson pulls me inside And shoved me into a closest. "Someone will come in soon"

I look around it's dark: I fumble around and find a light switch then see the walls are covered with photos of me, the private ones I send to Alex, and screenshots of messages I sent him too. Tears come to my eyes and I sit in the corner.

After a few minutes someone comes in snd closes the door. I look up and see Jefferson, ugh "so here's what's gonna happen, you're gonna give a blowjob or something to anyone that wants it, if you don't we'll release all theses photos, do you understand?"

I just not slightly. He smirks and unbuttons his pants. After him people come and go. Until finally Alex comes in. I look up at him "you could have just told me you didn't wanna get back together" I sit back against the wall and spit on the floor, ugh I'd kill for water right now

"I do wanna get back together.. I just- I wanted to Hurt you to see if you'd still love me after it..." he replied, looking down at his feet.

"I do still love you.. but weren't there easier ways to hurt me than making me suck half the schools dick"

"I didn't know thomas was gonna do that .. I thought her just teased you or release a few of the message but you don't have to do it any more"

"Yes I do, I don't want these photos released Alex, so please just unbutton your pants then tomorrow you can tell me what you what to do about our relationship"

"I don't need a blowjob Johnny" he sits down next to me and grabs a shirt that's in here and wipes my face "I'll get you some water if I can, but this shouldn't go on for too much longer"

I nod "thank you" I hug him tightly, he hugs back and kisses my head "ok, you should go, there probably people waiting"

He nods and gets up then walks out. I watch him leave and smile softy, he still wants to be with me

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