Chapter 1

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John POV

It's my first day of a new High School, no pressure right. My last school was cool, I never did work and people left me alone. But now I'm in private school. How fun. So I actually have to do work. 

I walk into the school and get my timetable and locker and stuff. I guess I should go to my locker. When I get here there's like 3 people in front of it.

"Um excuse me?" The three people stop talking and look at me. The one leaning against my Locker has longish dark hair and is kinda cute, the guy next to him kinda looks like a pimp and the other just looks normal "uh that's my locker"

"You're new here?" The cute one asks, I just nod. He looks a me and smiles "looks like we got other f*g around her Jefferson" ok rude. Just cuz I'm wearing a shirt that says "I like boys" doesn't mean I'm gay.. well I am but he doesn't get to assume that.

The pimp guy, I assume Jefferson, walks up to me. I look up at him "is that guy single?" I point to the cute guy and they all start laughing then Jefferson punches me. I stumble back in shock "what the hell was that for?!"

The cute guy walked up to me and pushes me against a wall "listen up f*g, I have a girlfriend and even if I didn't you'd be the last person I'd date" he puts something in my pocket when the  other two aren't watching then they all walk away.

I sigh and open my lockers and put the books I don't need In there. I reach in my pocket snd pull one a note that I'm guessing the cute guy who's name I still don't know gave me. I unfold the paper and read it 'meet me in the first floor bathrooms at lunch, come alone" 

I sigh and walk to my first class, when I get there I take a away asn the back next to a guy that kinda looms like Jefferson but with a bun "hey you're new right? I'm Lafayette" he says in a very obvious French accent.

"Hey, I'm John Laurens" I smile and get out my book "so how'd you know I was new?"

"I saw you standing up to Hamilton and Jefferson this morning, someone videoed if and posted it. You seemed pretty unbothered bu them being dicks" he explains.

"Oh? Well who are they? I only talked to
Them cuz they were in front of my locker" I reply.

"The one you asked if they were single, thanks Alexander Hamilton, he's the most popcorn guy in the school, and he acts like it. The only reason he talks to people other than his Circle of friends is if he's insulting them. He's dating Eliza Schuyler, heaps of people were discussing when she got taken but now the obsess over Angelica her sister. They have a younger sister Peggy, people ignore her thought cuz she was caught making out with Maria Reynolds one time. Oh yeah the school is hella homophobic but somehow me and my boyfriend Hercules manage to date without being bullied" he rambles, I listen though, it's good to know as much as possible in a new school.

"Oh so I guess I have no Luck in getting a boyfriend, I need one two, when I moved I had to break up with my boyfriend Frances" I reply "but who were the other two guys with Alex?"

"Oh James Madison, he kinda just hangs out with them and doesn't say much, and Thomas Jefferson, he does most of the beating up" he explains, I nod.

"Ok... hey can I Sit with you at lunch.. I don't really know anyone else" I ask nervously. He smiles and nods

"Oui of course" we both smile then look to the front of the class and actually start listening to the teacher.

At lunch I walk to a table with Lafayette and Hercules, I have almost all classes with them. They seem really nice though. When we get to the table there are already 2 girls there "hey, guys this is John, John that's Peggy and Maria." Hercules smiles

I smile as we sit down "hey you're the guy that has a crush on Alex, my sister hates you" Peggy says when she looks at me "also, mad respect for talking to them on your first day"

"I don't have a crush on him I just said he was cute, I can think someone's cute and still think they're a dick. But fro real nothing about him convinced me he's straight" I reply and they laugh.

"Yeah I wouldn't say that out loud if I were you" Maria says "we're the only gays out at this school, and Peggy already gets shit for it, if you call Alex gay you're gonna end up shoved in a locker"

I shrugs "mkay but I can't be the only one thinking it" as we're talking I remember the not I got... should I go to the bathroom? Or am I just gonna get beat up? "Hey Imma go to the bathroom real quick" I get up

"Ok, oh go the the first floor on, no one goes in there so you won't be accused of trying to check people out" laf points out. I nod and walks down to the first floor bathrooms

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