"Aw, why so sad [Name]? Don't you want me to leave?"

Camilo starts to tease you again but you couldn't think of a comeback because he ruffles your hair then strolls away. Just in time, your mother screeched your name and you were once again sobbing in your room after.


For the past few months, you were adjusting to your new life in Encanto. When you met Camilo you had just recently moved away from another town. There are times that you will still see him near the river you always stayed and he would make fun of you for looking so sad, you'll strike back at him but mostly you'll just ignore him. Your mother continues to think and say how much of an inconvenience you are and that you're unable to complete one chore on your own.

You tried making friends around town but mostly they'll comment on how much of a killjoy you were when having conversations. You weren't aware of how downcast and depressing you sounded, you can't help but not want to be alone. You were sitting around with a few kids your age when one of the girls began pointing out how depressing you looked. Eventually, you had enough and just sneaked away when they laughed about your face.

It wasn't easy to console the sadness you had within. It seemed that today couldn't get worse when you encountered the bastard again. Camilo was purposely bothering you. Teasing has become a part of his routine ever since. His reasons were that you cannot know or understand but if you asked he'll just say your face looks funny.

"Done hanging out with your friends?"

He started.

"What? The children decided they're tired of you so you decide to annoy me?"

You replied.

"Ay, nobody gets tired of me. How about you? Have your friends grown tired of seeing that frown on your face?"

You were about to say something but he beats you to it.

"Honestly, [Name]. If you got rid of that sad look on your face and stopped saying those gloomy things I bet the whole town would love you. I mean, it's so exhausting to see you being a buzzkill all the time no wonder your friends can't stand you"

Camilo says then you rolled your eyes at him. You wouldn't dare to admit how his words hurt you, perhaps he's just trying to say the truth without any malice. You chose to walk away when he grabbed your arm earning a groan from you.

"You coming to our house later for Antonio's birthday party?"

For a rare moment, his voice sounds void of any teasing, he sounds like a decent human being for once. But when you heard the word 'party', you cringed.

"No, thank you"

You pulled your arm back then walked back home. Camilo hoped that you would say yes because he secretly liked seeing your face. Whenever he sees it somewhere during his day and it'll bring him some sort of comfort or the urge to just tease you. He decides to not force you to come. However, when you arrived at home your mother began screaming at you to dress nicely because you were going to Antonio's birthday party whether you liked it or not. You knew better than to protest.

All you wanted to do was cry in your bedroom, Camilo's words from earlier still hurt and you tried your best to ignore it despite the echo of his voice on the back of your head. Eventually, you arrived at the party. You kept your head low as your mother greeted everyone she came in contact with. You notice your friends looking at you whispering amongst themselves, you don't know what they're saying but by the movement of their lips, you understand.

"Oh boy, here comes the buzzkill"

You gulped, you wondered if they got that word from Camilo. As the celebrations start, you stand at the corner, munching on an arepa. You take a glance and see Camilo dancing with others and having the time of his life. Envy consumes you. You were envious of how happier he was than you, and you envied the people he was dancing with...wait what?

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