Chapter 9 - Meeting Some Fellow Americans on Campus

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Eve noticed my expression as I got ready. I could see my expression myself since I was looking into the full-length mirror next to Amelia's wardrobe. I knew Eve would notice as soon as she was up. She sat on her bed, not ready for the day yet, but she still looked beautiful, with her blonde wavy hair falling down passed her shoulders.

"What happened?" she asked gently. "You went out with Sandy and his friend the whole day, shopping to get wonderful clothing, which is a woman's passion, and yet you look depressed. Is it because you used my money? You don't have to pay me back, then."

I shook my head and faced her. "No, no..." I came up and sat next to her. I met her blue eyes, eyes that we freakishly like Sandy's. I was told that she and Sandy were mistaken for twins in the past.

"What is it, then?" she asked.

"Well, we had a great time shopping in a city I always wanted to go to, and I did get some really pretty clothes and warm ones for Murren. I even fell asleep on Sandy's shoulder on the way home, and he fell asleep with his head leaning on me as well."

"Then why do you seem sad? Something rather adorable happened between the two of you, and he went out of his way to go shopping with you."

"And that's just the thing—he did that for me. He's been spending too much time with me, and... I said that to him after he walked me into this building last night. I told him to be careful because Marjory would think something was going on between us. I joked that she would push me into the river if she found out about the shopping trip and the fact that I'm going to Murren with him. He took a lot of offense to that. He said that Marjory wouldn't do something like that."

She took my arm and squeezed. "You poor thing... You two had an argument."

"Yes, we did. Because I said he should be careful, he opted out of the Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. He said he would introduce me to his American friends, and then he would leave. I feel terrible."

She took her hand off my arm and wrapped her own arm around my shoulders. "Please, don't feel terrible. My brother can be such a hothead, and while he is this big man, he is fragile. You do know why he has been close to you, right?"

"Because of my mountaineering experience."

"Yes, that, but... he really fancies you, and what you said to him hit him quite hard because it was the truth. Why do you think he hasn't told that blasted girlfriend of his yet?"

I remained silent. Was that really the reason why Sandy hadn't told Marjory yet? "I don't think..."

"I think so. You know what? That Marjory can throw herself into the river for all I care, and she can end up in France or Africa or someplace like that. I really would like to see you and my brother together."

I sighed. "Well, it's not going to happen since I made him mad. He was furious with you and Dick when you told him about your engagement, so... I don't think he's going to talk to me again. Might as well not go to Murren."

"You are most definitely going! Just talk things through with him. Yes, my brother can hold a grudge, but I think with you, you both just need a good talk to make up. Trust me."

She had her head leaning against mine, and I smiled. "Okay. I just don't know when to talk to him."

"Meet him at one of his classes. You know his schedule since I told it to you."

"But I have no idea where those classes are."

"Ask around, and the young men you ask would be more than happy to tell you, or even guide you there. Being pretty has its benefits." We both giggled girlishly. "Alright, now get going. It's almost nine o'clock, and that means his chemistry class will be letting out soon."

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