"I think you should just tell us everything. We don't want to hurt you, really." I say in a grim tone before Nathaniel threatens to use his ghastly venom again, "Spill."

"About what?" Devin spits furiously.

"Why are you following us around?" I breathe out heavily, "More importantly who's making you do it?"

"I don't know, ok." Devin shakes his head, "Now, free my fucking hands and I'll be on my way."

Nathaniel steps forward, unsheathing the syringe slowly.

"Now, Devin." he smiles, "Think again. I know that I want you to leave this room sane and in one piece. And I trust that it's what you want too."

I swallow, shaking my head.

"Nathaniel, you don't need to use that." I place my hand on his shoulder lightly, whispering softly into his ear, thanking my stars that I'm able to keep my tone steady.

Honestly, he's acting a little unlike himself and it's worrying me. Scratch that, it is low-key terrifying.

"Please do not interfere, Ariya." he replies simply.

Shaking my head, I slowly wrap my fingers around the cold glass surface of the syringe and tug but he holds it firmly, not budging and refuses to let go.

"Nathaniel!" I purse my lips into a thin line, trying to pull it again.

This time he pulls back too, rather unexpectedly, sending me crashing into his hard chest. His subtle cologne invades my senses and it brings back brief flashes of our heated kiss in the closet. I can almost feel the tip of his tongue ghost over my mouth, teasing my lower lip enticingly, and the unexpectedly complex feeling of safety and impending danger that swept over my body.

I sigh softly.

Someone coughs behind me and I force my deviant mind to recentre instantly.

"Right, I guess I'll just step out and ask Mads to help me get out of this tape." Devin scoffs, "Go fuck yourself to oblivion, you sick fucks!"

"Shut up Devin!" I grind my teeth, abruptly letting go of the tranquiliser in Nathaniel's hand.

I don't dare to look up at him, stepping away quickly. And turning to face the boy kneeling uncomfortably on the floor. To my relief, I see Nathaniel reluctantly slip the glass syringe back into his pocket, but keeps his hand there- ready to whip it out if required.

"I'm telling you that I don't know." Devin rests his head against the spare parts cabinet, beads of perspiration running down the sides of his forehead, "You have to believe me."

I run my right hand through my hair to flatten out the friz. It's sweltering hot inside the garage and a layer of sweat has gathered on the back of my neck.

"You've been leaving behind chits in places where you know we can find them. Right?" I question calmly.

"So what? That doesnt mean anything. It could be a harmless prank for all you know." he replies with an astounding amount of indifference, "You don't fucking need to go all Natasha Romanoff on me for that!"

Nathaniel's hand tightens around the syringe.

"Don't you see that I'm trying to help you here Devin?" I let out a frustrated sigh, "There's only so much I can do to stop Nathaniel from taking this in his hands. And I'm sure you can guess it won't be painless at all."

Devin opens his mouth to protest but closes it again.

"I don't even know what those chits mean." he relents finally, shaking his hands behind his back, trying to free himself as he rubs his face against his shoulder, "I only did it because I owed a guy and he was ready to call off the debt if I agreed to drop these stupid chits around for him."

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