A Promise to the Dead

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"You're late for uh...?" Derek asked after a few moments, pulling away from her slightly. 

"My period is late and I was talking to Brett earlier and he said he uh... sensed something..." The witch whispered, still shaking.

"How? I mean... Just... What?" He questioned before pausing for a moment and finally looking her in the eyes since her confession. "Do you really think we're having a baby?" 

"I don't know... I haven't done a test. I had just chalked it up to stress until my conversation with Brett. What are you thinking?" Asked Jess.

"I'm thinking that we need to get some tests." The wolf answered, putting a hand in his pocket to try and feel his wallet. 

Jess just placed her hand over his, looking him in the eyes. "I actually have some. Little present from Charlotte every few weeks..."

"Remind me to buy her whatever she wants. Car, house, I don't care, she can have it." He replied before pulling his wife into a kiss. "Take the test."

A few minutes later Derek was sat on the bath tub as Jess paced round the room, glancing over at the tests that she had set out on the counter. "Der, what if-"

"Shhh, we're not worrying about anything until the tests come back. Did you really have to do 5?" He asked, pulling the girl so she was half perched on his lap, half standing.

"Allison made me when we were in France... I hate that she's not here for this..." The witch responded, shutting her eyes and resting her head against his. 

Derek ran his hand up and down her arm and kissed her cheek gently. "She wouldn't miss this. She's here, just not in the way we want."

They were silent for a moment before Jess suddenly had a thought and started laughing. "If the test is positive, are you gonna be calling Cora or are you gonna be making me do that?" 

"I wish I could do that and not have you kill me." He responded.

"I would definitely kill you and Cora wouldn't even hold it against me. She'd probably be helping me bury you." Said the witch smugly.

"Oh ha ha you're so funny. I'd like to think my sister would have a bit of a problem with you killing me..." Jess opened her mouth to reply when the alarm on her phone started going off. She turned it off and took a deep breath, not moving or taking her eyes off of where the tests sat on the counter. "Are you ready?"

"I don't know..." She replied honestly.

"I can look first?" Derek suggested. Jess shook her head and stood up before walking over to the sinks, shutting her eyes on the way. Once she got to the counter, Derek stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. The witch took another deep breath before opening her eyes and looking down. She looked closely at the sticks and then spun round, looking up at her husband. "Oh my god..."

"We're having a baby!" Jess shrieked, tears forming in her eyes once more but she couldn't tell if they were happy or sad tears. "How's this even possible? I was literally shot the other day..."

"It must be a werewolf. Healed itself..."


A few days later, Jess woke to the alarm blaring. Derek immediately sat up and turned to face his wife.

"Gun." The witch commanded before getting out of the bed while grabbing the gun she had hidden under their bed. Derek climbed out of the other side and grabbed his gun from the jacket he had worn the day of the fight with the assassins. 

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