Fury - Part One

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Jess woke up with a sharp pain in her head and her phone buzzing beside her. "What the hell?" She mumbled as she clutched her head and tried to remember what had happened.

"JESS?" She heard a voice yell. She slowly got up but stumbled slightly as she tried to step forward.

"What the hell happened? Where's Derek?"

"I don't know." Isaac answered. "Lydia came down and hit you with a rock or something and then blew something purple into Derek's face. Those two passed out a while ago when the moon started passing."

"Alright, I'm gonna keep you chained up for now since the moon is still out. I'll come back in the morning though, okay? 

The boy just nodded before speaking, "Jess... Stay safe. You're Derek's anchor, if anything happens to you then everyone's dead."

"I can take care of myself, kid, but thanks. I will." Jess walked out of the train station and headed over to her car only to realise that she had no clue where she was going to start looking. "Think, Jess. Where would Lydia take Derek?" She muttered to herself. Her phone then started ringing and Scott's name flashed up.

"Thank god you finally answered! We've been ringing for ages! Lydia poisoned everyone with wolfsbane and then went missing but now we know who the person controlling Jackson is; it's Matt, Jess." The wolf rushed out in one breath.

"Woah what? So Lydia poisoned all of you then knocked me out and now she's taken Derek and on top of that Matt, the guy Allison went on a date with, is a murderer?" 

"What's that about you and Derek? Sorry no time, get to the sheriff's station!"

"I have to look for Derek!" 

"Jess, we need to find concrete evidence to tie Matt to these murders. You've got this amazing detective eye! We need you. Please?"

"Okay but I have to make one phone call first."

"See you in a few minutes!" Scott called out before Jess hung up. She then called someone she knew would find Derek.


"Jessica, how may I help you?"

"Lydia poisoned everyone at her party with wolfsbane, knocked me out and now she's taken Derek. Could you look for him? Scott and Stiles need me at the sheriff's station to tie Matt to these murders. Oh yeah, Matt's controlling Jack by the way."

"I think I know where he may be. I'll call you as soon as I find him. Please stay safe."

"You too, Deaton."


"Are you crazy?" Sheriff Stilinski asked his son as Jess walked through his office door. 

"Of course he is, Sheriff, you should know this by now." Jess said as she laughed at the absurd question.

"Jess! What are you doing here?" He walked over to the door and pulled her into a hug.

"Well you know these two," She nodded towards Scott and Stiles who were stood shocked at the scene. "can't do anything without me."

"That's very true. Why are you two looking at us like that?"

"You are never that happy to see us." Stiles answered causing Jess to laugh.

"I'm the daughter he never had, Babe, can't compete with that! So catch me up, what's going on?"

"We've found a video of Matt at the hospital the night that pregnant woman and her husband were killed." Stiles answered.

"Uh correction, we found a video of someone at the hospital the night that couple was killed."

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