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Derek carried Jess through the doors of the hospital and started calling out, "Help! She's been shot! I think she's dying..."

Immediately a load of nurses came over and took the witch from her husband while paging a doctor. They took Jess into surgery within minutes while Derek paced in the waiting room. 

"There's no update yet." Derek informed Scott when the teen had called him a while later. "You've got those exams to do, Scott. I'll be here with Jess." 

"If anything happens to her, Derek, let us know." The alpha replied.

"You have to give in your phone but I know what you mean." Derek responded. "Good luck with your SATs." Scott and Derek hung up and Derek's phone immediately started ringing moments later. "Hey, Lydia."

"Is she okay? What's going on? What happened?" Lydia questioned.

"Uh... She was out looking for Satomi's pack with Braeden. They found them but then hunters arrived and Jess was shot. She's currently in surgery, Braeden is out cleaning up the area. I hate this, Lydia. We were fighting before she left, I should've gone with her."

"Derek, stop. Jess is gonna be okay. She has to be, right? I mean it's Jess." Replied the banshee. Derek sat down on a chair just as Melissa came over.

"Lydia, Melissa's here, can I call you back?" He asked.

"Yeah of course." Lydia responded before Derek hung up.

"How is she?" The wolf questioned as he stood up. "Can I see her?"

"She's out of surgery, they got the bullet and she's now in Room 317. She needs a lot of rest though, Derek, even if she can heal herself. Her body is exhausted, it's like she's barely slept over the past few weeks, if not months." Melissa answered. "I'll show you the way."

The nurse began walking down the hall with Derek following closely behind. "But she's gonna be okay, right?"

"With a lot of rest, yes." Replied Scott's mother as she opened the door.

"Jess..." He breathed out in a sigh of relief before rushing over to her bed side. He sat down on the bed and held her hand in his. Melissa excused herself from the room, leaving the couple alone.


Derek had moved the chair so that he was sat beside the bed and had just began falling asleep when the door opened. Melissa made her way over to Jess' IV with a syringe full of something.

"What's that?" Derek asked.

"Naloxone. We need to wake her up." Stated the nurse.

"I thought you said she needed to rest." Objected Derek.

"That was before I found out the DDC had put the high school under a quarantine with Scott and Stiles in there." Melissa responded as Jess woke up and immediately sat up before grimacing in pain. "Jess, you were shot but you're in the hospital."

"Where's Derek?" Questioned the witch groggily, rubbing her head.

"I'm here, Beautiful." He spoke as he held her hand. She turned her head and smiled at him gently before turning back to Melissa. "What's going on? You have that panicked look."

"What happened to the pack in the woods last night?" The nurse asked.

"I told you they were poisoned." Derek interrupted but Jess just held up her hand.

"No. It was more like they were infected. They started not being able to control their shifts then they were bleeding black blood and then they couldn't see. It's like a virus designed to kill werewolves."

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