Pack Mentality

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"Jess! Hey!" Allison called out, running over to her friend's car.

"Allison, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks, I feel like I've hardly seen you since the game."

"Oh yeah sorry, it's been a crazy few days!" She responded laughing lightly as she locked her car.

"Yeah I heard about the incident with Michael..."

"Yeah... Well on the bright side it brought me and Derek closer."

"So what's going on with you two? I'm honestly amazed since you know the murder charges and everything..."

"He's innocent. He wasn't even in Beacon Hills the night she died plus it was an animal attack. Anyway, I don't really know what's going on with me and Derek, we understand one another I guess."

"He's also incredibly hot!" Allison added.

"Aha true but don't let him hear you saying that, his ego doesn't need inflating!" Jess laughed opening the door to their high school. They were about to turn the corner, still laughing when they bumped into Scott. 

"You scared the hell out of me!!" Allison said clutching her chest as she and Scott both crouched down to pick up her books. 

"You're okay!" Scott stated, looking relieved causing Jess' brows to furrow in confusion. 

"Once my heart starts beating again, yeah."

"Hey I'll see you later, I need to get some stuff before class." Jess said as she waved to the couple and walked off.

"Jess, can we talk?" Michael asked.

"What's up?"

"I'm so sorry, I literally can't put into words how sorry I am."

"Michael, notice how we keep having this conversation? I wanna be your friend, but I don't wanna be anything more and I need you to accept that!" 

"I'm sorry, I do accept that I promise you. I'm just- I was hurt seeing you with that guy and- and the thought of him possibly hurting you-"

"I trust him. He wouldn't hurt me."

"I trust your judgement. So are we good?" He asked clasping his hands together under his chin in a praying position with puppy dog eyes which caused Jess to laugh.

Just when she was about to answer the principal started speaking over the speaker, "Attention students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as usual."

"Yeah you're forgiven, now let's get to class and you can explain to me what happened to one of our buses!"


Scott and Stiles were talking as they made their way across the cafeteria towards Jess.

"But dreams aren't memories." Stiles pointed out to his best friend who was convinced he had had something to do with the attack on the bus last night.

"Then it wasn't a dream..."

"What wasn't a dream?" Jess asked overhearing part of their conversation. Stiles took a seat next to her and Scott sat opposite her. 

"Something happened last night but I don't remember what." The wolf answered guiltily.

"What makes you think Derek has all the answers?" Stiles asked.

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