Wolf's Bane

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"Repeat, suspect is on foot!" Came Stiles' dad's voice over the radio.

"Faster?" Jess asked as she spotted the Argent's SUV behind them.

"Much!" Stiles answered. As the SUV got nearer, Stiles grew more panicked, "Jess, I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here..."

"If she goes faster, she'll kill us." Scott stated. 

"Well if she doesn't go faster, they'll kill us." He said gesturing out the back window to the Argents. "They're gone."

"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works." Sheriff Stilinski's voice spoke. 

"Crap." Jess muttered, sighing as she pressed her foot harder on the accelerator, trying to navigate her way to her boyfriend. "Hale, ass in now!" She growled when they pulled up in front of him. Scott quickly jumped into the back to join Stiles as Derek shot into his car. "What part of 'laying low' don't you understand?!"

"Damn it, I had him!" Derek grumbled. 

"Who? The alpha?" Stiles questioned.

"Yes! He was right in front of me and the friggin' police showed up!"

"Whoa, hey, they're just doing their jobs!" Stiles defended.

"Yeah thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" Derek growled, glaring at Scott in the rear view mirror. 

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake, I get it!" Scott exclaimed.

"Alright how'd you find him?" Stiles asked, sighing. Derek stayed silent, just looking at Jess before Scott spoke up.

"Can you at least try to trust us for at least half a second?"

"Yeah all of us!" Stiles added which earned him a glare from Derek. "Or just them. I'll be back here."

"Look, the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris-"

"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles interrupted, earning him a glare from everyone in the car.

"Why him?" Scott asked. Jess knew the answer but hadn't told anyone; she had stumbled across it when she was a hunter.

"I don't know yet." Derek answered. He could feel Jess' unease about the situation which confused him.

"What's the second?"

"Some kind of symbol." Derek responded, holding up a drawing of it. Jess had recognised it when Derek showed her earlier that day and had been trying to place it ever since but couldn't. Scott recognised it too and instantly placed it though, which he evidenced on his face. "What? You know what it is?"

"I've seen it on a necklace-" Scott started, causing Jess to remember.

"Allison's necklace..." Jess finished. 


"Why did you feel so uncomfortable in the car when we were talking about the chemistry teacher? I know it wasn't my seats." Derek questioned as they were laying in bed. She had her head resting on his chest with an arm wrapped around his waist as his hand ran up and down her back. 

"I know things, Derek."

"You mean you know how Harris is connected to all this." Derek corrected.

"Yeah... I found some stuff out about the Harris family when I was a hunter and then when I found out Mr Harris, the chemistry teacher, was connected to this, I asked him to be my college advisor so I could get close to him."

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