He heaved a sigh and sat at the edge of his bed. After all that time spent with the ninja, the Baddie inside of him was slowly slipping away. That can't happen, he thought. It can't. Then what will become of me?

Come on, Lloyd! he told himself. Think! You can find a way out of this! He rose to his feet and began pacing again. And you better soon, before everyone turns against you and it's too late.

* * *

Wu rubbed his beard as he headed down the hall, deep in thought. He mused over Lloyd, Kai, and Jay always talking quietly to each other, and then Nya, who seemed to only worry about Cole. Then there was him and his brother, who were only trying to figure out who was on whose side.

He looked up as he heard footsteps and spotted Zane in the distance. The sensei let out a breath of relief and rushed over to him. "Zane!" he called, drawing to a halt in front of him. "Finally! Someone normal!"

Zane shook his head and raised his hands. "Oh, no, don't bring me into this!" he exclaimed. "I'm Switzerland!"

Wu blinked as the white ninja swept past him and down the stairs. Okay then, he thought dryly. He's got the right idea. Stay out of it while you can. Wu sighed. If only it were that simple.

* * *

Nya picked at her food during dinner, her mind set on Kai and Cole. Did my brother find him? she wondered. Shouldn't they be home by now? What's keeping them? Did something happen?

Across the table, Jay was sitting, Wu beside him. Lloyd was on the blue ninja's other side, although a bit farther away than Wu. The sensei glanced sideways at Jay, noticing his wounded shoulder. "Jay?" he began with surprise. "What happened to you?"

Jay stole a quick look at his shoulder before staring down at the table. "Oh... just an accident in training," he muttered. "It's nothing."

Nya looked up in surprise. She stared at the blue ninja, but he wouldn't meet her eye. Why is he making excuses? she thought. Doesn't he want Sensei to put an end to Lloyd's treachery?

Befuddled, Nya switched her gaze to Lloyd, and found that even he looked shocked. The green ninja's eyes were wide as he stared at Jay, as if even he didn't know why the blue ninja didn't turn him in.

Then after a moment, Nya spotted a twinkle of satisfaction in Lloyd's eyes as he turned back to his meal. Not believing what she was seeing, Nya looked back at Jay and tried to catch his eye, but the blue ninja didn't lift his head from the table. She drew in a shaky breath and went on with her meal, her earlier doubt beginning to grow more heavily inside of her.

* * *

"W-wait... Wait up!"

Gritting his teeth, Kai halted yet again, frustration boiling inside of him. This wasn't the first time he had had to slow down for Cole. Great Ninjago, can't he keep up? It'll takes years to get back to the monastery at this rate!

He turned around to see Cole a good distance behind, staggering in the snow toward him, chest heaving with exhaustion. After a few more steps, the black ninja fell to his knees, wheezing for breath.

Immediately, shame flooded over Kai for being cross with the black ninja. With a sigh, he headed over to Cole and knelt beside him. "Come on," he mumbled. "We're almost there."

He grabbed Cole's arm and helped him back to his feet. The black ninja panted and leaned on Kai's shoulder, barely putting any weight on him. Kai wrapped his arm around him. "Alright," he announced. "Let's go!"

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now