Chapter 7

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Over those few days, Nya waited anxiously for Cole's return. But the black ninja never showed up. The worry inside of her only piled higher. He's so frightened, she thought. So scared. He's small and vulnerable to the world. How can he take care of himself out there?

As much as she dreaded it, she knew she had to talk to Kai. She had to convince him to find Cole and bring him home. He was the only person Cole would listen to.

Taking a deep breath, Nya halted in front of Kai's bedroom door. For Cole, she told herself. Before she could have second thoughts, she creaked open the door, calling, "Kai?"

She glanced around, finding the red ninja sitting at the edge of his bed with head lowered, back facing toward her. His head slowly lifted at the sound of her voice and he turned his head. "N-Nya?"

His eyes glittered with some emotion Nya couldn't put a name to. Warily, she came closer to him, eyeing him suspiciously in case he made any sudden movements. "H-hey," she mumbled. "Can... Can we talk?"

Kai's eyes widened, but Nya still couldn't decipher what he was feeling. "Of course," he answered, somewhat eagerly. He inched down the bed, making room for Nya to sit. But Nya hesitated. She didn't feel comfortable being so close to her brother, and she wanted an easy path to the door if anything happened. Kai seemed to notice her unease and he turned his gaze to the wall, eyes flashing.

Nya was almost positive she saw hurt in his eyes, but the red ninja quickly covered over his emotions with hardness. "Shoot," he huffed tightly.

Nya looked at her feet, unsure of how to start. "Well... you know Cole hasn't come back yet," she stammered.

Kai's face hardened even more. "Really?" he grunted sarcastically. "Funny you should think I care, 'cause apparently, I don't care." He turned his head away, as if he couldn't keep up his cover anymore and didn't want Nya to know.

Nya frowned, wondering if he really didn't care. "B-but you... you do want him to come home, right?"

Kai clenched his fists, still refusing to look at her. "What does it matter?" he muttered.

Nya's belly swarmed as she noticed how tense her brother was getting, but she forced herself to stay calm. "It happens to matter a lot," she breathed.

Kai gave a huff of frustration, turning his gaze back to the wall in front of him. "Just get to the point," he told her.

Nya swallowed before drawing in a deep breath. "Kai, I want you to look for Cole," she stated.

Kai's gaze snapped to her. "What?" he demanded.

Nya tensed. "I-I know he's out there," she went on shakily. "And he won't come back until you talk to him and tell him he's still your brother."

Kai furrowed his eyebrows and rose to his feet. "Why should I believe you?" he growled.

Nya took a step back, breath quickening. "You made Cole think he's responsible for all this," she said. "And he couldn't handle the guilt and he ran away. But if you'd just find him and tell him it's not his fault—"

"But what if it is his fault?" Kai interrupted angrily. "What if he's been the one behind this the whole time?"

Then Kai's eyes widened in surprise as he saw Nya's eyes start to tear up. "How could you say that, Kai?" she whispered, taking another step back. "After everything he's been through?"

Kai immediately regretted what he said as he realized he was losing Nya. "Wait, don't leave," he pleaded. "Please, talk to me. Don't leave me alone again."

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें