Chapter 13

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That morning, the ninja were gathered in the kitchen, getting ready for breakfast. Kai looked around, realizing someone was not there. He took a step toward the hallway. "I'll go wake up Cole," he told the others.

"Oh, don't!" Nya exclaimed. "Let him sleep, please." She turned and grabbed what would've been Cole's meal. "I'll bring him his food instead. He has to rest."

"Okay." Kai shrugged and stepped back as Nya pushed past him. Then she halted as Jay stood in front of her. "Oh, Nya, don't worry about it," he sneered.

Nya blinked. "What?"

Jay grabbed one side of the plate in her hands. "I'll give it to Cole," he stated.

An eerie feeling swept down Nya's spine. She looked up at Jay's cold gaze. "That's okay," she murmured. "It's really no trouble."

"Oh, no," Jay scowled. Nya gasped as the blue ninja tugged the plate from her hands. "It'll be my pleasure."

Nya took a step back as Jay whipped around and headed up the stairs. Drawing in a shaky breath, she turned her head as Lloyd let out a chuckle.

"Ooh," he breathed. "Did it just get cold in here or what?"

* * *

Jay stormed down the hall with furrowed eyebrows. "Oh, I'll bring him his food," he mimicked Nya. "He has to rest!"

Jay scowled. As if he's not being spoiled enough already! He clutched the plate in his hands tighter. Well, I'll show him.

When he came to Cole's door, he flung it open and stepped inside, not caring about how loud he was being. He glanced across the room to find Cole lying on his bed, back facing toward him. Furrowing his eyebrows, Jay slammed the plate onto a nearby chair and pounded over to the black ninja. He raised his hand and tugged the blankets off the bed. Cole stirred but didn't wake up.

Frustrated, Jay walked around the bed and over to the window, yanking the curtains open. Cole stirred again as the sun hit his eyes, but still, didn't wake up. For a moment Jay hesitated, looking down at the black ninja. Maybe he does need rest.

The blue ninja clenched his fists, pushing the thought away. Oh, who cares? With a frustrated hiss, he began to shake Cole violently. "Wake up," he grunted.

Cole shifted, letting out a soft moan. As he blinked open his eyes, Jay took a step back. "J-Jay?" Cole croaked, heaving himself upward. He rubbed his eyes before blinking to adjust to the lighting. He smiled as he saw Jay more clearly. "Jay!"

He slid off the bed and started toward him, but the blue ninja took a big step back. Cole halted, seeing Jay's hardened gaze.

"Have you got a problem with me?" Jay demanded.

Cole's eyes rounded. "What are you talking about?"

Jay came closer, and this time Cole took a step backward. "What do you have with Nya?" he hissed.

Cole drew in a shaky breath. "N-n-nothing," he stuttered.

Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "You really think Nya will love someone like you?" he sneered.

Cole stiffened, wondering why the blue ninja was acting this way.

Jay scoffed. "I mean, look at yourself!" He gestured toward Cole's clothing, and Cole realized with a rush of embarrassment he still had his animal skins on. "What are those—rags?" Jay snorted.

Cole looked at his feet, self-consciousness swarming through him.

Jay whipped around and headed back over to the door. He snatched the plate of food and went over to Cole again.

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat