Chapter 1

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"Dakota, you need to come down. You're going to be late!" my Mom yelled from downstairs.

The sound of pots and pans finally made me roll over. I groaned at the sound, she knows how much I freaking hate it. Dragging my sorry ass out of my warm bed, I walked into my bathroom. I swear the mirror cracked when I looked at it. My hair was standing up on all ends, and my clothes were all sorts of messed up. "Mother of Goddess," I whispered.

Well I should probably introduce myself. My name is Dakota Mayfield. I'm the only daughter of Karin and Don Mayfield, the former Alpha and Luna of the Moon Goddess Pack. My older brother Devon is the current Alpha, and I have a younger brother, Ronnie. There is someone missing though.

Trevor, my oldest brother. He was killed several years ago by vampires. Yes, I said vampires. We were walking home and he heard something in the trees. Naturally, we took off in a direction and he made me hide while he tried his hardest to fight them off. Closing my eyes, all I heard was them tearing him apart and the screams. Opening my eyes again, Trevor was gone and there was blood everywhere. To this day, I regret not being able to help my brother.

My parents never blamed me. They never thought it was my fault that Trevor died. In fact, they were proud that he defended me. I was proud of him too.

He was always much more protective of me because I was his only sister and I'm small. Much smaller than most werewolves. Trevor always told me that I would grow more once I met my mate. Until that moment, Trevor kept a protective eye over me.

Anywho, I got in the shower and let every muscle relax. I'm not sure how long I stood there before there was a loud knocking on my door. "Hey Dak! Mom is getting pissed that you aren't downstairs!" my younger brother, Ronnie, screamed through the door.

"Tell her I'm getting out in a minute. I'll be right down, alright?!" I yelled back.

I exited the shower, damn little brother left the door open so it was all kinds of cold. "Damn it" I muttered.

In a flash, I put on my dark wash skinny jeans, a pink tank top and a grey flowy sweater. Let's see my Vans or my Converse. Such a hard decision. Converse it is, black ones, white laces. I like to keep it classic.

Bounding down the stairs, I can already feel my Mom's glares on me. Hopping onto a stool, she slid breakfast in front of me. "Eat quickly, or you'll be late," she said.

"Yes, Mom," I said, keeping my eyes down. My Mom can be one scary lady if she wanted to be. She is the former Luna, which means she still retains some power.

Stuffing my face, I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. Rather my SUV. Don't judge. It makes me feel bigger than I actually am. Every little bit counts.

Coming up to the school, I saw everyone filing in Pretty sure, I'm about to be late.

Jumping out of my vehicle, I saw my best friend waiting for me at the door Ashley Greene. She also happens to be my brother Devon's mate. She was my friend before she was his mate.

"You're late, Dak," she said, half giggling.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes, I know. Now let's go before I'm really late."

"So did you hear?" Ashley asked.

"Hear what?"

"Well the Alpha of the Black Forest Pack is coming with his Beta and his Third in Command to visit with our pack." Ashley seemed very excited about the thought.

"Hey! You're mated to my brother, Ash. Wipe that smirk off your face."

She turned to me before we entered the classroom. "The smirk is not for me, it's for you," she stated.


"Don't you think it's time for you to go out there and meet someone, you know like your mate?"

I brushed passed her, finding my seat. "And what on Earth makes you think that my mate is even in that pack or that my mate would even want me?" Her lips formed a line. "I'm not an ideal mate. Guaranteed, I'll be rejected when he sees me and that's how it should be. Alpha blood or not, I'm not a worthy wolf, let alone mate."

Ashley kept her mouth shut even though I know she wanted to wring my neck for saying things like that. She was one person who knew exactly how I felt about myself and it pained her. Countless times, she would try to set me up on dates and every time I would deny her. No matter what Ashley would do, I would never change my opinion of myself.

At the end of the day, we headed out to our cars. She hadn't said much during the day. Probably still stewing in my words from this morning. Undoubtedly, she was hatching a plan to help me not feel so down on myself. That happened at least once a week.

"Are you coming to my house?" I called out.

"Yeah, I'll be right behind you," Ashley called back.

We arrived back at my house, and there were several cars in the driveway. Lucky for me, its a large driveway.

Walking into the house, I saw my Mom in the kitchen and my brother's office door was closed. Presumably my father was in there with him. "What's going on, Mom?"

"Your brother and father are speaking to the Alpha of the Black Forest Pack about a get together they want to have here."

"Hey Mrs. Mayfield," Ashley chirped.

"Hello, Ashley. How are you?"

"I'm doing well-"

My Mom was cut off by my brothers office door opening. An intoxicating smell came over me. It was pine mixed with cinnamon. Oh no, I know what this means.

"Mine!" I heard a voice growl.

Whipping my head around, I saw him. Jason Morgan, the Alpha of the Black Forest Pack.

Naturally, I followed my first instinct. I ran. I ran away from my mate.

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