Chapter 28 • Tuesday

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Includes strong language.

That night, falling asleep was harder to do. I kept replaying Henry's text in my head, asking numerous questions about what their relationship was and how they met.

I mean, if he was such a good friend, why wouldn't she mention him to me? Unless she wanted to keep him a secret to fall back on or something.

I could've just asked her who he was but I didn't wanna come off as the jealous, possessive boyfriend. So, I guess I had to figure it out myself.

• Tuesday •

After being up late with my thoughts, Y/N's alarm woke us up at 10am, I was instantly put into a bad mood due to the very few hours of sleep I got.

She rolled off of me then tapped her screen several times to shut her alarm off. Finally, it stopped.

"Morning." She rolled back onto my chest while keeping her eyes shut.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"Ugh, bladders suck." She groaned then pushed the covers off of her.

She walked out of the room to the bathroom then shut the door. That's when my eyes trailed over to her phone on the nightstand. After contemplating for a few moments, I almost reached her phone but stopped myself.

"No—don't look through her messages..." I thought.

I looked away from the phone but my eyes kept shooting back at it, unable to stop my bad thoughts.

"If it'll put these stupid thoughts to rest—"

I quickly scooted over to her side and grabbed her phone. I turned it on and swiped up. That's when it was asking me for a passcode.

"Why does she have a passcode on here?? Is she hiding something?" I thought.

Suddenly, I heard the toilet flush. My eyes widened. I quickly typed in the first thing I thought of.



I sighed at my stupidity, hearing the water fosset turn off. I quickly shut off her phone and set it back in the same position on the nightstand.

Shortly, she came out of the bathroom, shutting the light off. When she walked back into the bedroom, she rubbed her eye then grabbed her phone. She laid back down in bed next to me.

She leaned her head against my shoulder as she turned on her phone, typing in her passcode in front of me. I memorized it.

"What do you wanna do today?" She asked while pressing on Instagram.

"We could stream, just the 2 of us."

Suddenly, a notification popped up on her phone.

"Ew, dammit." She sighed, "I forgot I had a dentist appointment today. Why must they remind me—"

She slid up the notification in annoyance.

"We can stream when I get back from hell."

I huffed out a smile.


"Yeah. The dentist is my least favorite place on earth so if I come back in a bitchy mood, that's why." She laughed.

"I can pick you up some ice cream later if you want."

"I want." She smiled then tilted her head up to kiss my cheek, "Thank you."

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