94 Taming the stubborn

Start from the beginning

"How?" exclaimed Maria.

"Where?" Lucia echoed her.

"To Istanbul," Niko replied.

"Did you make up with Jansu?" Lucia was delighted and immediately frowned, "But what about Ornella? After all, you are engaged to her."

Niko first answered his sister's second question, "Ornella and I decided to break off the engagement. This is a mutual decision. We do not experience the feelings that are necessary to create a family. I will always support her, but only as a sister. As for Jansu, we have not made up, but I am striving for this."

"I knew it!" exclaimed Lucia. "Knew that you wanted to make peace with her. You had such love! It could not disappear without a trace."

Signora Hortense looked at her daughter with condemnation, and she instantly faded, lowering her head and pulling it into her shoulders. Niko's face darkened.

"You're right, Lucia," he said to his sister with warmth in his voice. "But the conversation is not about me and Jansu now. I want to talk about you and Maria. You are my sisters. Beloved sisters. I'm worried about your future and I want it to be a happy one. I don't want your lives to be broken for the sake of anyone's interests. But the decision is up to you. You can stay in Rome with our mother, or you can come with me to Istanbul. Think it over and tell me your decision tomorrow morning."

Maria looked at him in confusion. Lucia jumped to her feet. A decisive twinkle burned in her eyes.

"I don't have to think," she said. "I'm going with you. But only until the end of summer. "A guilty expression appeared in her eyes. "Sorry, I kept it a secret... I was afraid that my mother would forbid... and you too. I applied to the Sorbonne. The answer came yesterday. I was admitted to the Faculty of Law."

"What?!" cried Signora Hortense. "What is this nonsense for? Lucia, you are Salvatore Bianco! You don't need to study and work."

"But I want to!" the girl strongly objected. "I want to become a high-class lawyer and help people."

"Me too," Maria said quietly. All heads turned to her. Mother looked indignantly, Niko encouraging. His look added confidence to the girl and she spoke, "I want, after graduation, to go to study as a veterinarian."

"A laudable wish," Niko supported her. "I will do everything in my power to make it come true."

Signora Hortense pressed her hand to her forehead and exclaimed, "Lord, the world has gone crazy! Who have I raised?" She got up, looked at the children with contempt, and said, "You are all typical Bianco. There is not a drop of the noble blood of Salvatore in you. Go to Istanbul. Barbarian city, barbarian country. You only deserve it. The greatness of the old aristocratic family is not for you."

"And thank God," Niko said ironically, and then smiled encouragingly at the sisters, "If this is your decision, go and pack your things. We will fly to Istanbul tomorrow evening."

Jansu was torn apart by conflicting emotions. She then fell into anger, then ascended to heaven, for a short moment allowing herself to believe Niko's words. But the next minute she plunged into an abyss of doubts and scolded herself for gullibility. What an idiot she is?! I'm ready to step on the same rake for the third time. And yet ... Niko's persistence shattered her beliefs. And inside a quiet voice woke up. It whispered to her, repeating over and over again to calm her pride and listen to Niko. The pride was angry and reminded her of the humiliation she had experienced in the morning. And that Niko is engaged to ... Ornella. Nice Italian name. Its owner is probably also dazzlingly beautiful. Burning brunette with black eyes, Catholic, she's a great match for Niko. Not like the Turkish and Muslim Jansu.

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