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They woke up.

All of who had been snapped came back. They all stood up confused as to what happened.

When they turned into dust they were sent to this weird orangey place, but it was only for 5 minutes.

"What's going on?" Luke asks rubbing his head.

"I don't know..." Responded Bucky who was also looking around confusedly.

They turn their attention to an orange spark that was I front of them.

"Huh?" Said Ben

The orange spark turns into a portal and Wong shows up from the portal.

"Come on, we don't have much time." The victims of the snap from Wakanda look at each other before running through the portal.

When they go through, they see nothing but ruckus.

"What the fuck happened here?" Kai said looking from left to right at the damage.

"Thanos happened that's what." Wong said.

Captain America looks back at them with relief before turning back around.

"Avengers!" He calls out.

They all get into their fighting stances.

"Assemble." Cap says

They all start running and Thor lets out a war cry.

In the the middle of battle they started playing a giant game of hot potato with the gauntlet; except you either live or die with this version.

Ben catches the gauntlet and super speed his way to the van until he was hit with a blast. It made his fly past the van and Thanos caught it.

"Son of a bitch, don't you ever! Touch my brother!" Vivian says landing in front of Thanos. Thanos just smirks at her before trying to snap his hands.

But he couldn't as Vivian used her blue energy to prevent his hands from moving and crushed his armor. Thanos groaned in pain and this time, Vivian was the one smirking.

Amelia runs up and grabs the gauntlet from Thanos and takes off running. She throws it to Carol who flys away.

The teenagers go back to fighting when suddenly, the enemies began turning into dust.

"Huh..?" Olivia says confused.

Caleb gasps and the other turn to what he was looking at.

Iron man, he was dying.

They all run towards him. Spider-Man was crying trying to get his attention, but it wasn't working.

All nine look at each other and walk towards Pepper.

"We know you want your family to be together, and we're gonna help to keep it like that." Says Naomi with her hand on Pepper's shoulder.

Pepper looks at her confused, Naomi walks past her and the others follow along walking towards Tony.

"What are they doing?" Cap said through tears to Bucky.

"I don't know." He replied.

Xander drags Tony to the middle of them while the other avengers look at them confused. But none of the elite's pay attention to that. All they were focusing on was bringing him back.

They remembered Winter telling them that the stones could bring any power that was needed in case of emergency. In this case, the power of revival.

Their eyes began to glow their respective stone colors and they began to float. The power that came from the infinity stones began to come into them.

The avengers squinted their eyes from the brightness, "They're bringing him back." Strange muttered.

Pepper gasped and began to tear up once more at the thoughtful gesture. Naomi was right, she needed her husband, and Morgan needed her father.

The elites begin to feel pain from the power waiting but endured it for the sake of his life. When it was over, they all fell to the floor into an unconscious state.

The avengers run to them hoping that they were alive. Clint let out a shaky breath of relief signaling them that they were alive. They all nod and turn to Tony.

Pepper walks up to the man who was still unconscious. Just before she could reach down to him, he shot up with a gasp.

He turns to look at his surroundings frantically but calms down when he sees Pepper standing above him.

She wanted to tackle him into a hug, but didn't because of the current events. She knew he was in pain.

"Tony.." she says in barely a whisper.

He motions her to hug him and asks "Did we win?" She nods with teary eyes and turns her head to look at the avengers.

Tony looks around to look at the avengers. His eyes stop once he sees a body on the floor. He gasp and turns to look around more, where he sees 8 more.

"Oh god." He says shakily as he looks at the bodies of the 9 teenagers.

"What happened." He asks Pepper, "They saved you. The power that you extracted from the stones killed you. But, they brought you back."

Tony shakes his head not wanting to believe what he had just heard. "They shouldn't have sacrificed their lives for me, they're only kids."

"They're not dead." Steve said walking up to them. "They're just unconscious." He finished with a small smile.

Tony releases a breath of relief.

"They need medical attention those stones could have killed them, let's get away from here. I don't know how they survived." Strange says.

Strange and Steve help Tony up and walk away with him.

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