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March 20, 2017

Olivia wakes up to Vivian's beeping alarm. She groans and cuts it off before brushing her teeth with her toothbrush that she keeps in Vivian's bathroom and borrows some of her clothes as well.

When she goes down to get something to eat she sees Ben making a bowl of cereal.

"Hey." She says softly. He turns around and replies with a simple hi.

"I see you're "borrowing" some of her clothes again." He says with a smile.

"It's not my fault, her clothes are comfy. But, I wanted to talk a little about Saturday. What do you think happened?" She questions with a troubled look on her face.

"What I think happened was Kai not paying attention to the road and all of us getting hit by a train." He says with an eye roll, not towards her, but towards the boy he blamed it on.

"It's not his fault, he was just trying to reassure Caleb." She says with a frown on her face.

"And look at where that got us." He says before shoving a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

She shoved her elbow into his side and says "Don't say that, he was just as scared as you were, now hurry up and eat. Your siblings will be ready soon." She says before walking outside.


March 20, 2017

Amelia enters the school trying to find at least one person who was there with her Saturday night. She turns the corner inside the school and sees Kai.

She walks up to him but he doesn't seem to notice. She clears her throat trying to get his attention. He looks up with a relieved face.

"You're alive, which means the others are alive as well." He says which she visibly relaxes at. She had been tense all night thinking that she was the only one.

"Thank god. I was looking for at least one person that was there Saturday." She says breathing out.

While they were talking about the situation, someone walks up to them.

It was Naomi.

"H-hey um I just wanted to know-"

"If it was real?" Kai says before nodding. "It was definitely real and it was horrifying." Amelia looks at the both of them "You're right, but maybe we should discuss this when the rest of them get here." She says.

"Right, but if I'm correct, Caleb doesn't even go here." Kai says. Naomi furrows her brows at this "how old is Caleb again?" She was still new so she didn't know who went to the school and who didn't.

"No, he has a late birthday so he's in 8th grade." Amelia explains to Kai before answering Naomi's question "He's 13, he was born in 03' but his birthday is in September." Naomi then nods her head in understanding.


"Well I'll talk to you guys later I guess." Kai says as the three of them walk to their classes.


March 20, 2017

It was 12:50 pm and Caleb was on his way to his next class until he saw a big crowd. When he walks through the crowd he sees the school's bully, Micheal. Micheal was an asshole and Caleb didn't understand how he was popular.

Caleb was tired of him bullying people so he walked up to him "Hey! Leave him alone Micheal, aren't you tired of being such a bitch?" At that the crowd goes into quiet mummers. Micheal drops the boy "What did you just say?" He said in a deadly voice. Caleb just rolls his eyes being sick of his bullshit.

"I said, aren't you tired of being such a bitch?" He says stepping up to Micheal before continuing. "We're almost in high school and yet you're acting like a fucking 5 year old - in the 8th grade."

Micheal balls up his fist in anger before swinging at Caleb. Caleb's grabs his wrist before he could do any damage and hits him square in the face, knocking him out cold.

Caleb looks at his hand in shock at what he just did. He has been doing martial arts with his sister for about 5 years, but damn. He didn't know he was that good.

Just as Caleb was about to say something the principal walked out.

"What's going on here?!" She says sternly. She looks down at the boy laying unconscious before looking up at Caleb with an angry look.

"Just as I thought you were a good student, you go and do stuff like this to your peers?!" The principal shouts. "But he-" Caleb tries to talk but the principle interrupts.

"I don't care! My. Office. Now!!" She shouts. Caleb looks away to rolls his eyes before complying.

Once he reaches her office he sits there boredly waiting for her to enter. 

After a few minutes the principal storms in. "I'm calling your parents." Caleb just sighs "ok" he answers shortly.

When his mom didn't answer, she called his dad; who also didn't answer. She looks at him before saying "Since both of your parents have not answered, I have no choice but to suspend you."

At this Caleb shoots up. "How are you going to suspend me without knowing the full story?" He says with an annoyed look on his face.

"I don't need to know the full story to know that you hit the boy for no reason." She says confidently

"But that's not what happened!" By now he's starting to get really angry — and he rarely gets angry. "He was bullying an innocent 6th grader! I don't know how no adult in this school notices it. FOR GODS SAKE HE'S BASICALLY BULLIED EVERY KID IN THIS SCHOOL!!" He tries to calm himself but he only gets angrier.

The principal sits there in shock, she didn't think that anyone would stand up to her like that. She's known to be a very stern and scary principal and feared by the students.

Once he calms down he says "And you're not going to suspend me, you're going to let me call my sister and she's going to pick me up."

The principal's eyes turns red before turning back to their natural color "I'm not going to suspend you and I'm going to let you call your sister. She's going to pick you up." Caleb stares at her in fear before muttering something under his breath and speed walking out of the office.

Caleb knew that his siblings got out of school the same time that he did so, he just waited patiently.

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