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Spring 2018, that same day.

"I'm going back to the avengers compound, you guys should come along." Bruce says.

"We'll catch you there." Ben says.

Bruce gives them a confused look wondering what exactly did they have to do that was important other than what just happened.

"Caleb's hungry." Vivian explains simply.

"He can eat at the compound..." Bruce says with furrowed brows.

"I don't want to eat at the compound." Caleb says. Ben shoves his elbow into the younger boys side before saying "We'll meet you there, and before you ask, we have a way to find you." Bruce just nods before going to his destination.


Later that same day around 4:15 pm

In the avengers compound Ross is talking to Rhodes through a hologram.

"Still no word from Vision?" He asks.

"Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh." Rhodes explains simply.

"On a stolen quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals." Ross says.

"You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?" Says in the most respectful way he could.

"My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own."

"If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here." Rhodes snaps back.

They continued on the conversation until Steve, Nat, Wanda, Pietro, Sam, and Vision. Vision was injured and holding his side.

Steve enters and says "Mr. Secretary." Ross looks at him with a look of despise and says "You got some nerve. I'll give you that."

Natasha claps back by saying "You could use some of that right now." Ross ignores her comment "The world's on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?"

"I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way... We'll fight you, too." Steve says.

Ross looks towards Rhodes's and says "Arrest them."

"All over it." Rhodes replies and turns off the hologram, "That's a court-martial. It's great to see you, Cap."

"You too, Rhodes"

While they're all catching up, Banner appears from another room behind Rhodes.

"Uh, I think you look great. Yeah. I'm back."

"Hi, Bruce." Nat says

"Nat" Bruce responds awkwardly

"This is awkward." Sam says.

They all move to another room and start to talk about all the members they could get to fight in a battle.

"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right? And they can clearly find us. We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint? I already have 9 of my own." Bruce says.

"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families." Nat explains.

"Who's Scott? And what do you mean by "9 of my own"?" Rogers asks.

"Don't worry about that right now. There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man? Okay, look... Thanos has the biggest army in the Universe. And he is not gonna stop until he... He gets...Vision's stone." Bruce says nervously.

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