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March 24, 2017

After school, the 9 teenagers were on their way to Winter when Xander suddenly stops with a suspicious look painted on his face. Vivian looks at him with a confused look as well. He signals her that something is behind them. Once she gets the hint she creates a medium sized ball of energy.

The others stop as soon as they see her doing it.

"What's wrong?" Amelia says to her telepathically.

"There's someone behind us, Xander and I can feel it." Vivian responds with a troubled look on her face.

"But the problem is, there's no one behind us. They must be invisible." Xander says.

"Guys, what's going on?" Luke asks with a worried look on his face. The 3 just look at him signaling him to be quiet.

Vivian focuses on her surroundings before closing her eyes. Once she heard where footsteps she shot the energy ball towards them. After that, they heard a groan.

The other 8 teenagers turn their head to where she shot the energy.

They all get into a defensive pose and bring their powers out.

"Woah there, I'm not here to hurt you all. But damn, I've got to say, that's a mean blast there." Says the person Vivian hit; it was Iron Man.

"Why are you following us?" Says Kai crossing his arms.

"Relax, I just want to talk." Tony said with his mask still up.

"Well, now's the time so go ahead." Olivia says. He clears his throat before saying "well, I wanted to see if you all wanted to join the avengers."

"Wait, wait, wait. How did you find us?" Naomi says.

"Well it's not hard when you have eyes everywhere and you see a high schooler making things float in the classroom." He says letting up his mask to show his amused face to them.

They all look towards Vivian and she just rolls her eyes and turns back to him. "Has it gotten out yet?" She asked.

"Thankfully no, and it never will. But anyways, are you all up for it?" He said. They all turn to Vivian and Xander; their unofficial leaders. "What?" They both say at the same time.

"This is a group effort, don't look at us." Vivian says. Xander nods his head in agreement.

They all look at each other before Caleb speaks up. He clears his throat and says "We'll join, but on our own terms. We know about the accords and we're not signing them. But, we will only be there when we are needed. Is that understood?"

Tony looks at him shocked before looking at the rest of them. "I like him, he should be leader. But, I will agree to your rules, no one knows about you all anyways so there will be no reason as to why you need to sign." He says.

"Well then it's done. Also, how did you become invisible?" Kai asks. "Oh right, it's a new update I made to my suit, you like it?" Tony says with a smile.

Luke steps up and says "it's awesome! You have to teach me how to invent stuff if we ever visit New York." He says excitedly.

"That can be arranged. But now that business is done, I have to go." Tony says. He puts his mask back on before saying "I hope to see you all soon." before taking off.

"That had to be the weirdest moment of my life." Amelia says with a confused look on her face.

"You sure about that?" Olivia asks. Amelia just rolls her eyes before saying "Ok let's go, we're getting off track, we're supposed to be telling Winter about what happened yesterday." She says.

"You're right, my mistake. The tin man got us all distracted." Ben says sarcastically. Vivian huffs put a laugh before walking away leaving the rest of them to follow her.


March 24, 2017

The 9 teenagers walk into the lair to find Winter fixing a machine. She looks up at them with furrowed brows. "You guys don't have practice today." She said.

"Well we might start needing it more often." Ben said. Xander looks at Ben and says "he's right, yesterday some weird masked man said something about us deserving what's coming to us."

Winter's eyes widen at this, "I knew he would find out but, I didn't know he would find out this quickly."

"Wait what?" Olivia asks, "remember that time I told you guys that I'd talk about why Amelia's paralysis was needed later?" Winter asks.

They all nod.

"Well, the man who The Great Defenders were fighting never died, he got casted away to another planet. And that planet happens to be Earth. Which was why I am here, to find the next defenders. And those are you all. I'm supposed to train you all, but he's found you guys too soon." Winter explains.

Their eyes widen at what they just heard. Luke steps up and says "Well, then beat us into shape." The rest of them nod. Winter gives them a small smile and says "Come along then, also your training hours will be way longer."

"I'm going to have to quit decathlon then." Xander says with a smile and says "it's ok though, saving the world is way cooler."

Kai laughs and gives him a pat on the back before walking to the combat room.

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