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March 19, 2017

"KAI PAY ATTENTION!" Vivian yells out fearfully looking at the train. By the time they noticed it was too late, the car got hit by a train.

The only things that could be heard inside the car was screams of pain and yells of fear.


Naomi shot up with a gasp only to see that she's on her bed. She looked confused, why would she be in her bed if she died along with the others? She grabbed her phone to see that it was Sunday at 4am.

She sighs walking to her bathroom and turns on the water to wash her face, only to break the handle. "What the fuck?" She mutters. The girl has done some cheer back when she was younger, but she had not been that strong to break the handle to her sink.

She had just decided to tell her dad about it later.
Laying back down, she noticed the pink stone on her dresser. She stared at it before putting it in her dresser so that no one could find it.

Maybe she could go and ask the others what was going on, if they were still alive. She could still vividly remember the screams, blood and bodies.

It was horrifying.

She shakes her head to get rid of those thoughts. Going back to sleep, she could only hope that they were ok.


March 19, 2017

Vivian shoots up exhaling shakily after the horrifying dream. She goes to the kitchen to go and get some water only to see her two brothers and Olivia. "Are you three ok? I just had the worst nightmare ever" She asks looking at her brothers curiously.

Ben clears his throat and sets down his water before saying "The thing is, it wasn't a nightmare". He pulls the yellow stone out of his pocket. Caleb also pulls his red stone from his hoodie and Olivia's was already on the kitchen counter. "How though? I could've sworn we died. Also, how did you get here?" She asks Olivia

If they all ended up at home, how did she get here?

"I just snuck out when I woke up and Caleb unlocked the door, but I think it has something to do with the stones. There's no possible way that we died, then all of a sudden we're back in our beds with the stones still with us." Olivia speaks up.

"You have a point, there's no way we could've survived an accident like that and wake up with these still here." Ben says pointing at the three stones on the kitchen counter.

"Wait where's your's?" Ben says. "Wait let me go get it." Vivian says before walking back into her room to retrieve her stone. They soon saw her coming back out and placing her's next to theirs.

When they were placed next to each other, they glowed a bit brighter.

"They're connected in a way." Olivia mutters. "I would hope so, when we found them they were together." Vivian says.

"You're right." Ben says to them "but we should go to back to sleep, we'll talk to the rest about this at school." He says before walking back to his room.

"But I don't have school with you guys" Caleb says frowning. At this Ben pauses before saying "then maybe we could arrange something after school." and continues to walk to his room.

Vivian sighs and goes up to Caleb with a comforting smile "Its going to be alright, just get some sleep ok? As always, Olivia you can sleep in my room." She says before walking with Olivia and Caleb back to their rooms.

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