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April 20, 2017

The others are back at school again, it was lunch time and they were sitting at a lunch table together; with the exception of Caleb, who they were videochatting.

While talking with each other they heard kids next to them talking about the 9 mysterious heroes who "Saved Canada".

"They're literally so awesome, did you see how they used their powers together and it was all like 'BOOM!' and stuff, it was amazing. I'm glad the news caught it." One boy said.

His friends nod their head eagerly and another one says "Yeah that's cool and all, but did you see the girls..." Kai, Xander, Ben, Luke and Caleb snicker at that while the girls look away embarrassed.

"Welp, at least we have fans." Olivia says with her lips pressed into a thin line trying to hide her amused face.

"That's one way to put it." Kai says.

"They could be dangerous though.." another student trails off. The nine teenagers look at each other with a wary look.

"Well they can't be dangerous if they saved us." Ben says with a shrug.

The students look at him weirdly before Olivia speaks up. "He's got a point you know, they wouldn't be saving us if they didn't have to."

The boy nods and says "They have a point."

April 20, 2017

After school, the 9 teenagers walk back to their lair to say their goodbyes to Winter. They knew she was leaving since her job was done. They were going to miss her, after all she was their mentor. And almost a mom if she didn't look about 5 years older than her. It must be the alien aging system.

Once they enter they see winter standing there with her stuff. She turns around with a teary eyed smile.

"I'm proud of you all, you know. You all did so well," she walks around to give all of them hugs.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be." Caleb whispers into her shoulder.

"I'll visit, I promise." She says.

He nods before she stand back to look at all of them.

"I wish you all a good and happy long life." She says with a smile.

"How long exactly.." Ben says with a smirk, he didn't know much about alien stones and stuff but he was cautious and was ready for any news that was coming his way.

"Over a hundred years long." She says before opening a portal and walking through it.

"What the fu-" Amelia says

Of Series One.

The EliteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora