9 0 0

April 19, 2017

It was a Wednesday afternoon at 2:35 pm. All 9 teenagers were walking together to Winter when Amelia stops and turns around. She felt something coming so she discreetly told the others through telepathy.

Kai stepped up when he was suddenly blasted back by a strong surge of power. Olivia helps Kai up and he thanks her. The others get on high alert and morph into their suits leaving the other two to follow them.

"I told you, you deserved what you had coming." The voice they all knew so well said. It was the man that had grabbed Caleb's wrist and threatened them 4 weeks ago.

"You know, you could've came a lot sooner...it must've took you a lot of of time to gather some courage to face us. What a shame." Naomi says.

"I'm happy you all care about my time so much, and I'm not scared of kids, darling. I was gathering an army." He says.

"Wow not scared at all, huh? But gathers an army? That seems very scared to me." Vivian says.

At this the man clenches his jaw and aims at her with a red photon blast. She dodges it easily thanks to the help of her super reflexes.

"Wow, aiming at us and we don't even know your name. Do you even have one?" Kai asks.

"General black." He says before he snaps his fingers and takes them to a different setting. He had taken them to abandoned land, surrounded with nothing but dirt.

"Wow such a lame name..." Caleb trails off as he sees the army of hundreds of alien soldiers behind them.

"What the hell." Amelia mummers. Vivian looks at the army with a look of disbelief and says "This is like New York, 2012."

"This will be the death and end of the Great Defenders." General black exclaims with an evil smile.

"We're not the Great Defenders...dumbass, we're the..." Luke trails off while looking at the other 8 teenagers silently asking for help.

"The Elite." Caleb says with a proud smile. He didn't like the name "Great Defenders" it sounded old to him so he figured out a name for them before hand.

"You all talk to much." General black says before he orders his army to attack them.

"Some of us haven't said a damn thing!" Xander says running towards the army along with the others.


April 19, 2017

With only 9 of them and hundreds of enemy's that they had no idea were, it was hard. For them to even say it was easy was a lie.

They had sparred against each other and Winter, but this was going to be hard.

Vivian was the first one to put her hands on the creatures. She jumped up into the air and slammed her fist into it. The creature flew back while more came in.

Xander created a portal to get in the middle and tried to sink as many aliens as he could in the dirt.

Ben was super speeding his way through summoning lighting on them.

Olivia tries to pick up as much aliens as she can and throws them on the ground with her telekinesis.

Caleb was aiming for the big ones; he knew he could take them down. With the help of his replication no one knew which one was the real him.

Kai was teleporting to all of the weak spots and taking them out first.

Amelia channeled out her White fox and it became giant and taking out the enemies.

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