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March 24, 2017

Naomi got into the car where her father was waiting to take her to school. He pauses before looking at her with a slight smile.

"How was your day yesterday, kiddo? I didn't see you much." He says

She looks at him before looking at her phone and says "it was good."

"Well what did you do?" He asked

"Nothing much, just hung out with some friends and then walked home." He nods and then hums. "Well has anything interesting happened yet?" She puts her phone down and stares at him for 3 seconds before saying "not really, just made some new friends."

She turns away and goes back on her phone. He continues to look at her for about 10 seconds before driving off.


March 24, 2017

"So, who do you think the mystery man is?" Amelia says. Vivian looks at her weirdly and says "why do you say that as if it's a secret admirer. This isn't a fairytale, and I'm not sure about who it could be. It could be anyone, like uh - I don't know, maybe Mr. Morris."

Amelia laughs at her and gives her an amused look. "Mr. Morris? Seriously? That man can barely stand anymore. I'm surprised he still works here, shouldn't he be retired." Says Amelia.

Little did they know, Mr.Morris was behind them going to the elevator that only staff or handicapped students are allowed to use.

"I may be old but I still work like I'm 24 years old, young ladies." He says. They both jump and turn around quickly only to face an angry old man.

"Well, Mr.Morris it wasn't me who said that, it was Amelia. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to lunch." Vivian says leaving Amelia to face the wrath of the angry teacher.


March 24, 2017

Walking in the lunch room she spots Xander sitting by himself at a table with headphones on reading a book. She slowly walks up to him hoping he didn't notice, but he did. She cursed their ability to hear better than any human could.

"You tried, and you failed." He says letting a short laugh out after. "Shut up, and what are you reading?" She questions with a curious face.

"Uh it's just "The Chronicles of Narnia", I saw it in my room and thought of my childhood so I brought it along. It's kind of stupid I kno-"

"-no I actually think it's kind of cute. Could you read it out loud? I have nothing else to do while Amelia is getting scolded by Mr. Morris." She says with a smile on her face.

"Ah, so he got called old again huh?" She nods at him and he continues "well u-um sure, I'll read it out loud for you." He stammers before clearing his throat.

"Great then." She says before laying on the table with her arms crossed.

After about 10 minutes of Xander reading, Amelia storms to the table with a mad and somewhat annoyed look on her face. Next to her is Olivia and Luke laughing.

"I LITERALLY had to listen to Mr.Morris rant about his whole life story and boring ass adventures as a "little lad" and those two sat there and recorded the whole thing laughing their asses off. I'm going to kill you, Vivi." Amelia says finishing off with a deadly tone at the end.

Vivian just laughs it off and says "you should've never said that he could barely stand." And that only made the two laugh harder, which received weird looks from other students in the cafeteria.

"Shut up you're gonna make people think we're weird." Xander says. Olivia raises a brow and says "But we are weird, literally nothing about us is normal." After saying that she makes hand motions pretending as if she's shooting a ball of energy.

"You're an idiot." Vivian says with a chuckle. She just laughs and they all sit at the table.

"What if we like, uh maybe make superhero names." Luke said. Vivian looks at him and says "like an alias?"

"Yeah that! I was thinking about it last night but, I couldn't think of anything."

"Wait that's a good question actually, what about something that has to do with disappearing. You can do stuff like taking someone's soul; In a good way of course." She said adding in the last part quickly when she saw his face drop.

"What about The Void? Because you can make shit disappear out of nowhere and make it come back like it's nothing." Vivian says moving her hands around while explaining.

He puts his fingers on his chin in a thinking motion and said "Wait, I actually really like it. Plus it's a good song, you know, by the neighbourhood..?" He says when they gave him a confused look. 

"Ohhh" Amelia says "I love that song but, Vivi overplays it." Vivian side eyes her and says "I do not" in a fake hurt manner.

Amelia pats her shoulder and says "you do, but it's ok. Anyways, what do you think mines would be?"

"It would easily be White Fox because of your Arctic Fox superpower thingy and plus white is the color of your super blast." Xander says.

"Super blast?" Luke snickers out. "It's definitely not a super blast, it's called 'Energy Projection'." He says with a sarcastic eye roll.

"You're a nerd." Olivia says

"And you're not?" Luke shot back.

"Both of you stop it." Xander says looking wearily

"What about you Olivia, what do you think your name would be?" Amelia asks.

"I don't know, does it really matter though?" She says with a shrug.

They all nod.

She clicks her tongue and says "well, I'm not sure, maybe I should ask Caleb." She says shrugging her shoulders.

"It'll take too long to wait on Caleb, we're going to do it now." Luke says.

"Or we could just call him, we're not able to call in class, but that doesn't mean we can't call in lunch." Vivian says.

"But isn't he in class right now?" Xander questions.

"Yeah, you're right, he has second lunch today. I love that he has the same time schedule as us but his school is really far and I have to wake up super early to take him- and I hate that." She rants

"You hate a lot of things like human interact, coleslaw, pink, worms, Ed Sheeran for no apparent reason-" Amelia says while counting down with her fingers, but stops when she sees Vivian glaring at her.


"Well, I'll see you all after school right? You know, to talk to Winter about the weird man." Luke says.

"I honestly forgot all about that, but yeah, see you after school." Xander says before walking off.

"Yeah see you guys later." Vivian says before joining Xander.

They all say their goodbyes and walk to their classes.

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