✰ Prologue  ✰

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The sound of my heels hitting the marble tile echo throughout the large bathroom, I finally make it to the counter tossing my purse in the sink, I quickly open the button and start digging through it until my hand reaches the small plastic tube I'm looking for.

I lift my head up, catching my reflection in the mirror. I take a breath, a smile braking out on my face at the sight of my cap and gown. I can't believe I finally fucking graduated, I'm free. I let out a small squeal of excitement, I twist open the tube of lipgloss I'm holding and lean over the counter to get a better view of myself.

As I apply the red tint over my lips, I hear the bathroom door swing open.

"Uh, am I in the right bathroom?" Woo he has a cool British accent.

"Yeah." I give a simple response, not looking at him though I can see his silhouette standing still in the doorway from the mirror.

I rub my lips together tossing my lipgloss back in my purse, I pull out my red flower scented perfume and spray, feeling the cold liquid hit my neck I dab it in with my wrists.

"Can I ask what you're doing in the men's bathroom then?" The same British accent speaks up.

"There was no space in the girls bathroom." I shrug my shoulders, putting my perfume back to my purse. "You don't have to wait for me, I won't look." I say looking down at my bag buttoning it back up.

I hear him chuckle to himself and walk into a stall, locking it behind himself. I guess he though I would look. Checking my reflection, the soft white light reflecting off my blue eyes. This is as good as it's gonna get, considering I only have lipgloss in my purse so I can't retouch my eyeliner or blush.

Grabbing my purse I run out of the bathroom, I was already running late when I came in here so hopefully Linda is still here, I really want a picture with Lily. My body hits another one, hands immediately landing on my arms keeping me from falling back.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I rush out, trying to make sure my feet are stabilized so I don't break an ankle.

"You should really watch where you going bitch."

My head flys up at the sound of his voice, he has a stupid smug smile on his handsome face.

"Shut up!" I hit his shoulder pushing him away from me.

He laughs talking a step back before we're simultaneously wrapping our arms around each other in a hug. Feeling him squeeze my shoulders, I feel so comfortable, like being wrapped in your favorite childhood blanket. "We finally made it!" I whisper in his ear. We pull away, big smiles playing on our lips.

"Okay, number one, why the fuck were you up coming out of the men's room?"

"The girls room was too crowded and in my defense when I walked in, it was empty."

He just stands there smiling, his blue eyes moving down to my lips.

"What?" I ask with a small smirk.

"I swear I'm gonna marry you someday." He grabs my face, stepping closer to me he leans in and places a kiss on my lips, the feeling of being home washing over me. He pulls away to soon but he keeps his hands on my cheeks.

I know we're not dating or anything, but maybe now that we've graduated things will be different.

"Okay so what's number two?" There's slight laughter in my voice from just how happy I am in this moment.

"I've got really good news." He has a contagious smile plastered on his face.

"What?" I ask with my cheeks hurting from how long I've been smiling.

"I found a record label for the band I'm in, and they wanna help us put out a record and then do a tour." He has nothing but pure excitement in his blue eyes.

"Jax!" I hug him again, placing my arms around his neck and resting my chin and his shoulder. "Holy fucking shit, I'm so happy for you!" I pull away with a smile.

He's wanted this since we were kids, I'm so fucking excited for him. But this also means my hopes of us being together after graduation are shattered.

He places a rushed kiss to my lips before he's walking backwards away from me. "Next year is gonna be fucking crazy, you watch." He announces loudly causing people to stop their conversation and turn their heads to look.

I laugh, my cheeks tinting red. "See you soon, rockstar." I wave him off, watching him turn his back to me and walk away.

Fuck I'm gonna miss him. But I finally graduated, my life is just starting and like he said, this next year is going to be fucking crazy.

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