Chapter 39

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"Ugh! I gained 2 kg!", Jiyeong squealed while checking his weight on the weight meter that is placed besides his bed.

"I tried to warn you....", Suho chuckled and gave him a sly look.

"Yah! I didn't eat alot! Maybe I just didn't exercise daily, I skipped like....4 days already? How can I gain weight so fast but  still struggling to lose weight....", he get off from the weight meter and slammed himself on the bed.

"How about you? You must gained so much weight", Jiyeong continued.

"Tsk, watch....", Suho got up and walk towards the weight meter. He steps on it proudly while waiting for it to calculate his weight.

'67.26 kg'

"W-what?", he mumbles but loud enough for Jiyeong to hear.

"67 kilograms?! Aren't you 64 last month?!", Jiyeong said while trying to hold his laugh.

"N-No, No t-this isn't right....", he get off from the weight meter and lift it up.

"Yah, just admit it, you had gained 1 kilograms more than me....", Jiyeong proudly smirked as Suho panicked and turned the weight meter around.

"This thing is broken!", Suho began to hit it with his hand.

"Yah, yah you're going to break it!", Jiyeong tried to stop him but it's too late.....the weight meter suddenly stops working.

It was an awkward silence as they look at each other. Jiyeong tried to control his anger after Suho broke his weight meter. Suho gulps and backed off.

"Yah!!!", Jiyeong yelled and pulled Suho by his collar.

"You broke it!", Jiyeong squealed.

"Chill, it was already broken, just buy a new one", Suho simply said while trying to get out from his grips.

"Already broken? Its was perfectly fine until you're throwing a tantrum towards it....just admit that you had gained weight!", Jiyeong said.

"Yah yah! No it's broken! It's impossible for me to gain 3 kilograms in one month!", Suho pushed Jiyeong as he finally got out from his grip.

"Just admit......that you're getting fat....", Jiyeong smirks making Suho's blood boiled.

"I'm not! Yah! Stop saying that!"

"Yes your are! Suho can't you see it? We have so many similarities! I mean you're single, and I'm single and you've gained weight and I'm too! Isn't that a miracle?"


"Yah stop it you two"

Mr. Park, who's wearing a white shirt with folded sleeves as he leaves the upper buttons unbuttoned. He's holding a cup of coffee that the maid just made for him.

"Can you guys please stop arguing at least one day? Or one second? I'm tired hearing all of those screaming....", Mr. Park rolls his eyes and took a sip on his tea.

"He broke my weight meter.....", Jiyeong pouted.

"Stop acting cute in front of Mr. Park, you look dumb", Suho said in disgust.

"Yah!", Jiyeong was about to attack him until Mr. Park growls.

"Stop, just buy a new one Jiyeong....", Mr. Park said and placed his cup on the table nearby.

"But—fine....", Jiyeong sighed and gave Suho a last glare before walking towards his bed.

Mr. Park let out a slight sigh before slamming himself on the big soft Chanel sofa.

"Get ready, we're going to the hotel this evening", Mr. Park said.

"Hotel? You mean the hotel for the annual dinners night this Wednesday?", Suho's face brightens up.

"Yes, I want to take a look around there and do a bit of rehearsal, I want everything perfect for the dinner", Mr. Park said.

"Okay, I'll get ready now", Suho said excitedly and walk to his room and immediately close the door.

Jiyeong and Suho lives in Mr. Park's mansion since they're his bodyguard and driver. He sometimes thought of why did  he hired such a childish bodyguards...

Mr. Park got up from the sofa and was about to call the maid but he stops.

"I'll do it myself this time....", he said and walk towards the lift and pressed the button to the third floor. He puts his left hand in his pockets while his other hand is holding a phone.

The elevator arrived at the third floor as he immediately walk towards his room. He opens the door and walk straight to his wardrobe. He shoved his phone on his pocket before searching for something suitable to wear, he doesn't care if its looks simple, he just wants it to be comfortable.

"I'll just take this white shirt", he took a white plain shirt and quickly changes into it. After changing, he walks out from his room. While on his way downstairs, he suddenly thought about something.

"Should I ask Heejin to come too?", he took out his phone from his pocket and searched for Heejin's number.

*On the phone*

Sunghoon: Hi Heejin, are you free?

Heejin: Yeah I think so, why?

Sunghoon: Oh I'm wondering if you can to come with me to the hotel for the preparation of The Annual dinner this Wednesday.

Heejin: Oh sure, when?

Sunghoon: Now? I'll give you a ride.

Heejin: Are you sure?

Sunghoon: Perfectly sure.

Heejin: Okay, I'll get ready.

Sunghoon: Okay, see ya!

Heejin pov

"Who just called you?", Sunoo asked as she smiled and walk towards her dressing table.

"Mr. Park, he wants me to follow him to the hotel", she said making his eyes widens.

"Hotel?! Do what?!", he stood up and walk towards her while panicking.

She was confused by his actions at the moment but as soon as she know what he meant, she hit his chest.

"Yah, what were you expecting us to do?", she gave him a glare and pushed him lightly as he was blocking her way.

She began to search for an outfit while there's an awkward silence between them.  All they hear is a sound of the crappy fan up on the ceiling. Almost felt like it was about to fell. It's everyone's worst nightmare. But then, Sunoo decided to spoke in a sad tone.

"Are you leaving me alone....?"

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