12 | How Long Do You Need Me?

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Note: The secondary name for the character Hyun Jae is switched from Irene to Alanna. It's a different character and imaginary story, so I mean no harm to the original group and their members. Thank you for messaging me and explaining your side guys. I love you.



The girl in front of me nodded. Apparently she was the daughter of the owner of the restaurant where I killed my own dreams. She had her head down and eyes downcast. "And, you're visiting me because - oh! Your flower pot! I'll pay for it. I'm sorry I couldn't visit sooner-"

"Unnie!" she gasped, finally looking at me, her eyes wide. "You got hurt because of my stupid flower pot arrangement. I'm here to apologize." She bowed to me ninety degree. "You had to let go off your dream because of me. I'm so sorry-"

"Wait. Wait. Wait." I was confused as fuck. What was she going on and on about? "Who told you it's your fault? I'm not blaming you for anything. It was an accident-"

"Jongin was so angry with me that he didn't even let me meet you." Her eyes teared up. "I had to take Tao's help to find you. I'm so sorry. I know no apology could make up for what you've lost-"

"This idiot," I grumbled under my breath. "Look-"



"It's Sunhee."

One friend of mine was damn persistent on me calling her Alanna instead of her real name and there was this girl, correcting me. I sighed. "It rhyme with Sunshine. Whatever. It wasn't your fault. I don't know why Jongin said what he said, maybe in the heat of the moment, but trust me, it's not your fault. I... I was drunk and got into an accident."

It was a lie, but what other option did I have? If I knew Jongin would make this girl feel so bad, I would have chosen a safe place to carry my mission. I fucked up, and now someone else had to face the guilt they shouldn't be facing. God! What did I do?

"Still, it was my fault." She wiped her tears and looked at my feet. I was still in the hospital, waiting to get discharged. It had been a week already. "I love dancing too, and..I can't imagine... I'm so sorry." She bowed again.

My eyes moved to the door. Zitao, Exo-M member was standing there. Even though we both were Chinese, I never really interacted with him. I came to know Exo-k because of Hyun Jae. Either I wouldn't have known them too. His eyes met mine, and he bowed.

"Please ask you girlfriend here to not feel bad. It's seriously not her fault," I told him, and he wrapped an arm around Sunhee, trying to calm her down. She was sobbing full blown. "Please don't cry."

"I'm so sorry-"

"I'll beat Jongin up for this."

That made her stop and shook her head immediately. "No. No. It was very obvious why he was angry. You're close to him. He had a right to be mad."

I massaged my forehead and stared at her. "I'm going to sleep now. You should also go and rest." I looked at Tao. "Make sure you drop her off, and ask Jongin to meet me."

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