6 | Or Am I Just Scared Of You?

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I ignored Yixing from that night onwards.

It wasn't because he confessed that he had something for me. It was because of the way he confessed. Like he wanted that confession to be the next stepping stone in our lives. He wanted me to talk about myself and what not. The conversation went like this-

"Don't spit out nonsense. Seriously."

"Why won't you accept that I do like you?"

"We met hardly ten times, Yixing. Talked to each other three times, I guess? And, You like me? Sounds like bullshit."

"Well, I can like you nonetheless. You can like the person in the first meeting as well."

"Our first meeting -"

"I'm going to throw myself out of the window if you brought up that again. I apologized already."

"So what do you want now? You aren't expecting me to date you now, right?"

"No. I want to be your friend first."

"Friends? You have hots for all of your friends?"

He almost slammed his head against the couch. I wouldn't have stopped him because it wasn't going to hurt him much. The couch was soft. Yixing was on the verge of losing his mind, hence I took pity on him and agreed to be his friend.

"You do know what being friends mean, right?"

I shrugged. "Hang out. Eat food together time to time. Make out sometimes since my friend has hots for me." He had laughed then, shaking his head. "Also, Friends are there to help each other. I'll help whenever you want. What else?"

"Sharing our lives with each other."

"We're friends, not life partners."

"I mean, I don't know you. I don't know your family. Your favourite color, food, place. Anything. I don't even know when your birthday is. I want you to share your life with me since you are alone here. I... I'm worried about you."


"Why not? I'm Chinese. You're Chinese. We're from the same neighborhood. I need to take care of you and vice versa."

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much."


"You've never had a girlfriend, have you?"


"Figured. You suck."

He left after a few minutes to get some sleep, but I stayed up all night. I didn't blink any eye, knowing that I couldn't be what Yixing wanted me to be. Sooner or later, my parents were going to find out how I made a fool of them. That I wasn't attending any university in South Korea. It won't be pretty. I would have to leave everything.

To be honest, I never gave it a thought to what I wanted to do in life. We were rich. My mother raised me to be a lady, the task in which she failed terribly. I mean, one should look at the number of visits that I had to the disciplinary department of SM entertainment. You would be surprised. Or not.

I enjoyed dancing, singing. I enjoyed training here even though I knew clearly that I won't debut ever in the entertainment world. Dad won't allow it, and as much as it suck, I wouldn't be able to go against him on this. I didn't want to.

I was asked to become a woman who would be there to fulfill her husband's needs and take care of family from the very early age. I won't say I was keen of the idea but I didn't know what else to think about. It might not seem like that but in the middle school, I had a French woman at house, to train me in the table manners, walk, shoulder posture etc. I hated it all. I hated my mum, my dad, everyone. So, I did the opposite. I became someone they hated and asked me not to be. I laughed loudly, walked weirdly, made clinking sounds of the utensils while having dinner etc. When mum left me, it became worse. I became worse.

"Ah, you walk so fast." Alanna was trying to match my pace with her short legs. We were around the boy's practice room, and I didn't want to see Yixing. Of course he could visit my apartment if he wanted, but he must've known better than that because he didn't.

"Here. Grab my hand." I stretched my arm in her direction and she giggled before wrapping her hand around mine. "Why are you laughing?" I asked, almost dragging her forward.

"It looks like a kdrama." She was a child like that. Not surprised at her comment. "You're super cool, Fei. Can't wait to see you fall in love."

I stopped and she walked on to me, stumbling. "Why are you saying that?"

She must've hit her head against my shoulder because she was rubbing it when I faced her. "What do you mean why? People become uncool when they're in love. Stupid almost." She grinned. "I would like to see you act like a fool too."

I smacked her head. "Nonsense."

Hyun Jae grumbled and followed me to the elevator. One of the staff called for Irene when the doors were about to close, I pressed the button to stop the lift, and the woman asked her to meet someone from the higher ups. She left after promising me that we would have dinner. I nodded at her

The elevator paused in the mid. I lifted my head and saw Yixing on the other side. "Aren't you getting in?" I asked when the doors started closing again. He shook his head and stepped inside.

"You're ignoring me." He was pressed up against the opposite side. "It's been a week since we last talked. Did I make you uncomfortable?"

I met his eyes and nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to... be a friend and a bit frank."

"Okay." I shrugged. "Can I ask you something?"

He nodded. "Go ahead."

"I saw you kissing someone a few months ago around the building. It was raining that day. You had a cap on. Sea green t shirt and the girl was dressed up in black pants and yellow top."

His face was blank. I couldn't really read what he was thinking. "What about it?"

"Do you like her?" I flickered my gaze from him to the elevator door. "I wanted to ask you this for a while."

"Why would you want to know?"

"After that terrible failure at flirting, I might be concerned about you." I smirked. "Thought I should give you a few tips, you know."

He stared at me for a long moment. We reached the basement and the doors opened. "Yeah. Yeah, I like her, but I'm not sure about dating, so no tips for now." His dimples made an appearance.

"Okay." I stepped out when he held my hand. "What? Changed your mind this soon?"

"Can we be friends now?"

"We can be friends now." I smiled. I was safe from the hazard. He would be too interested in this girl to look into my life. That felt refreshing as well as comforting. Yixing would have someone else to nag and throw his cheesy lines. My life would be better again.

My smile vanished when I reached the exit door. I wanted this. I assured myself by asking him about the kiss and this girl, right? I wanted him to not trouble me with his questions or concerns.

Why was I feeling this disappointment then?

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