°poster?° volt/chapa x reader

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Hi enjoy

It was about 4 am when you had got home. "Come on...." You groaned helping volt through your window and into your room. You both closed the window and chewed some gum to detransform. "Today was the worse day ever! First we had to search everywhere just so ray could get his stupid hair products!" You started.

"Then we had to go to a gas station because they were being robbed of their pants!" Chapa ended as you both got into your bed. You both turned on a movie and cuddled as you both slowly drifted off into sleep. But just as you both were dozing off you heard a beep go off. Groaning you took out your gum holder to see that there's an emergency at nacho ball THE CLOSE ONE! rolling your eyes you got out of bed.

"Come on babe we have to go help danger force at nacho ball...." Chapa sat up on your bed and tilted her head. "The nice one? She asked. "No the CLOSE ONE!" Chapa's hand's began to spark "DANG IT!" She said getting out her gumball and standing next to you.

You both blew a bubble and transformed but just as you were about to leave you here a knock on your door. "Y/n hunny you in there?" You looked at Volt wide eyed. "U-uh yeah mom whatcha need?" You asked. "Uh nothing i just wanted to ask what did you want me to do with your volt poster that came in the mail?" You face palmed in embarrassment. As volt tried to hold in her laugh. "Uh nothing just leave it in the living room and I'll get it tomorrow!" You heard your mom walk away as she shouted "ok!" You rolled your eyes and got ready to jump out your window until you heard volt say. "Volt poster huh?" She said trying to hold back her smile. You rolled your eyes and hit her playfully. "Shut up! now lets go!"

Have a great day
Or night hope you

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