°Date night gone wrong° Chapa x reader

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It has been MONTHS since you've seen your girlfriend Chapa or even had alone time with her. Everytime yall hang out she has to go somewhere and never comes back for hours! Or when she doesn't leave you guys bump into her friends somewhere and they just join you guys. And your sick of it tonight both your parents where out and you wanted to plan a movie night date. Like you used to! So you went ahead and asked Chapa and now shes on her way. The doorbell rings and you open it.

"Babe! I missed you!" You said hugging Chapa on her way in. "Heyy babe so I know this was suppose to be a date and all BUT my teacher is a bit how do I put it uh a bit much. And nobody else could watch him tonight so I had to bring him with me." Chapa said walking inside with Ray as You frowned. "Oh." You said shutting your door in locking it after they came in then you went to the couch after grabbing candy and a bowl of popcorn and after cutting off the lights. You laid down on the couch as Chapa sat down next to you and Ray angrily plopped down on the couch. "Hey man so I didn't know you were coming so I don't have a lot of popcorn but we can share if you want!" You said smiling and playing with Chapa's hair. Ray didn't say anything but snatched the bowl from you and started eating and watching the movie.

Halfway through the movie you and Chapa were just flirting and giving each other small kisses. "I know I love you to oh I've missed this y/nnnn!" Said Chapa as she leaned in for another kiss. You chuckled and kissed back. "Will you two stop it! Some people are trying to watch a movie here my god!" Said Ray pouting. Chapa rolled her eyes and looked at you. "Don't worry about him babe and next time hopefully it'll just be you and me." She said smirking while you smiled and ate some candy.

You where trying to make the best of this date with Chapa even tho her teacher was right there with y'all. To you it was just awkward to even kiss while he was there. So whenever you and Chapa were close to making out you would just pull away and pretend you had to use the bathroom. But you could tell Chapa could tell what you were doing. So with an evil smirk she came close to you and kissed you. Ray was in the bathroom so you couldn't say you had to go. So you gave in hoping Ray would be in there for awhile. Welp let's just say not even a minute later Ray came out of the bathroom and gasped. "Ew don't do that infront of me I knew I shouldn't have come here I was promised that i could watch the hot mom show but noooo were watching some other show. Chapa was just going to ignore him until you had tapped her. "Man imma just take you back home then I'm sorry y/n ill see you tomorrow."

You looked down still upset. "Yeah sure bye love you." You said as Ray took your popcorn bowl with him. "Love you to babe!" Shouted Chapa before she left. You sighed cleaned up and went to bed.


With danger force next day


"Soooooooo Chapa how was your date last night?" Asked Mika as Chapa rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ray ruined everything first it wasn't as romantic because he was just there. Second y/n wasn't able to enjoy her own tv cause he kept changing stuff and complaining about everything so we left early!" Said Chapa lighting up her hand ready to shoot Ray with a lighting Bolt. "Oh my gosh Chapa im so sorry I shouldn't have left him with you!" Said Mika as Chapa gave a quick "its alright."

soon Chapa left to go to your house. She knocked and heard a come in. When she came in you were cooking food. She went up to you and wrapped her arms around you and leaned her head in your neck. "I missed you!" Said Chapa as you laughed and said you missed her to. "I'm still up for that movie if you are?" You said smiling as Chapa laughed and went to the couch with you.

(Hi hope you enjoyed this bye!")

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