°Fights° Volt x reader

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"Ok how come you and Volt never fight? Can you answer that for me (Hero name)?" A News Reporter asked as you stood there not knowing how to answer her. "I uh I don't really know we don't really have anything to fight about." The Reporter stood there looking annoyed but tried a different way to get some drama out of you both.

"So (Hero name) are you ok with Volt and another hero being so close in the last battle?" You tensed up hearing that at first you didn't know what she was talking about until you remembered that hero from another town had came here and you were all fighting a Villain and she had almost fell off the car yall were fighting on but Volt caught her. "I uh I mean they weren't really close Volt was just saving her-" You were cut of by the Reporter. "Well to me the footage we have of that looks like her and Volt were standing there holding each other for a long time-" The Reporter was cut of by Volt.

"Alright listen here lady stop trying to stir up some drama between me and my girlfriend just so you can keep your job. Why don't you ask questions about the fight that just happened instead of trying to nudge your way into my relationship. Its mine and (Hero names) relationship so its our problem. Not yours lady. Understand?" The lady nodded feeling embarrassed.

"Let's go babe!" Said Volt dragging you off to get some food.


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