°Beating dungeon° Villain Volt x Hero Reader

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(Y'all im so sorry this took so long I may have gotten a little lazy- but I will try to do everyone's request today cause I've kept yall waiting long enough! But anyways credit to Mole_Rat12 for requesting this thank you for requesting let me know if I spelt your username wrong and I'll fix it i hope you enjoy!)

Your POV

I was at the beating dungeon because I was on a mission with danger force. I had decided to make myself a villain suit. My suit gave off Medusa vibes and i loved it! But I've got to focus were here to find out who stole all the books. And were also here to find the former hero now Villain Volt to put her under arrest. Captain man had changed his name like 10 different time while me and the rest of danger force looked.

I soon had spotted Volt sitting down on a near by couch and walked over. I cleared my throat and tried to sound like I wasn't nervous. I may or may not have had a teensy little crush on Volt before she quit and became a villain. "Now's not the time y/n don't get flustered!" I thought to myself awkwardly smiling. "Hi." I said to Volt. They just looked at me and smirked yeah not sure how I feel about this. "Hey Snake lady." They said smirking as I was feeling a bit embarrassed.

"So you here alone snake lady?" She asked patting the seat next to her. I sat down quickly and nodded.

"Yeah why?" They laughed and looked me in the eye. "Its just good to know it just means I won't have to share you." They said leaning back as I tried to stop myself from becoming flustered. "I um excuse me what?" I asked as they moved in closer to me while I tried to scoot away. "You wanna get outta here snake lady?" She asked leaning in closer to you as you were still confused. "I- I don't know what are you- doing....." You said as Volt leaned in to kiss you. You couldn't believe it you were kissing a villain!

You didn't know if it was wrong or not you brain was saying yes its wrong don't give in! But your heart was saying it's not wrong give in! All of a sudden while you were enjoying your little kiss with Volt it unfortunately had to come to an end when a bunch of villains yelled out its ShoutOut. You pulled away quickly while Volt was looking confused. Then Volt saw what was going on and smiled evilly she walked up with the other villains and pulled out her weapon which was a sword.

"Well if it isn't little miss ShoutOut what do you say we teach you a lesson for being in villain territory huh?" She said but as soon said she said you and the rest of Danger force and captain man changed into your hero suits. Volt looked at you and smiled and mumbled under her breath. "Knew it!" And then a while fight broke out.

(After the fight few months later.)

After the whole fight Volt met with you after it and you've to have been secretly seeing each other since. But after the night of the fight ShoutOut had a talk with you.


"Y/n don't think I didn't see you locking lips with little miss villain over there near the couch! I'm sorry but im gonna have to tell Ray." Said Mika about to walk away until you yelled. "WAIT!" You let out a breath and said. "I was uh doing it to trick her to make her think I was on her side I would never do that to you guys just please don't tell Ray he'll be mad." You said but Mika didn't seem convinced but soon let out a quiet. "Ok." And left and you let out another breath.

-flashback over-

Ray had been suspicious of you for the last few months after villains night. He knew you were just somehow secretly dating Volt and he was gonna prove it even if the rest of Danger force said he was crazy.

Tonight Danger force and Ray left to go get some chicken wings so they wouldn't be back in a while. So you invited Volt over. Little did you know your boss Ray was hiding just waiting to strike.

"Hey y/n I'm here!" Said Volt wrapping her arms around you and kissing your softly. "Hey." You said feeling a little uneasy it was like you knew he was watching you. You were both about to say something until.

"HAHA I KNEW IT Y/N YOUR SECRETLY EVIL AREN'T YOU TRAITOR!? Ray yelled sounding the alarm as you and volt ran.

"Where are we gonna go?" You asked panting as you both kept running. "To the beating dungeon we're gonna be the best villain couple ever! That is if you want to baby?" She asked stopping and holding out her hand. You hesitated and was lost in thought but soon you grabbed her hand and shook your head yes. "Lets go!" You said as you both ran there holding hands.

(K that is the end of it hope you enjoyed hope I did the request well don't forget to vote and request if you want bye!)

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